Actress Gwyneth Paltrow and a former doctor began their civil trial over a ski crash in February 2016. Plaintiff Terry Sanderson alleges the famed actress was skiing “out of control” when the two collided with each other at a Utah ski resort seven years ago. Paltrow is countersuing Sanderson for one dollar, claiming she intends to set the record straight and clear her name. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber breaks down seven key moments from day one of the trial.
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Weird dude
I am so glad that this liar lost.. I hope he has to pay every penny of the attorney's fees for Gwyneth Paltrow. Congratulations to her.
These attorneys' descriptions of what happened is comical.
Well at least he got himself famous! Lol. That’s what he wanted anyway.
So why is Sanderson initially suing for 3 million & then reducing it to $300,000? He seems shady or demented!!!!!
To the narrator: Why use earphones? It looks ridiculous.
She would of needed to remain the same speed as her children, she was going slow, not him. He hit her.
is the host on drugs?? His pupils are so dialated.
Did not know who she is until i googled her name, now i know he needs to ….. off leave Pepper Potts alone she has already lost Iron Man…. coming from the UK
On the Snow he bangs his head oh please…oh so now he's got dementia now…he knows what he did
Wow! Looking back at this knowing how the trial turned out. Terry is the real diva here.
Correct outcome!!! Congratulations Gwyneth <3
I wonder if he had some sort stroke or seizure?
Rich cow and The winner takes it all
The loser's standing small
Beside the victory
That's her destiny
Oh please she's innocent
His lawyer better help him fix his narcissist brain injury and prostate issues
Wow, guy is looking for nothing more than a payday. Sad exuse for a human being
Sanderson doesn't appear to have integrity or credibility. He saw it was Paltrow, and his greed took over.
2016, this happened in 2016!
It's sad you can literally waste and sue anyone for anything
This case would of never made it on Perry Mason!
'your honor my client used to be a charming man before the crash. now he's just an uncharming crazy turdbag. i don't wanna rub his nose in it so i sent him out of the room'
Anyone else just thinking Uncle Albert to the extreme?
If she hit him and she knew she was at fault, she would have settled out of court without all of this
After going through all the videos of trial it is clear that this whole trial is a pure joke and money grabbing scam. I mean… dude he literarily messaged all his friends "I collide with a start and I am famous now" And now he says that it was the other personality inside him that have send those messages. That is it. Also, after the incident he had multiple vacations and after the collision, went to scuba diving, travelled to Peru, Costa Rica, Europe, hiked multiple times skiing, bike rides. I understand that you might not like Gwyneth Paltrow but dude Dr. Terry is a new Amber Heard. Give me a break.
Sounds like Paltrow has won this. If you ski much you can easily see that Sanderson was sking faster and wider turns,causing the crash from behind
He’s not a doctor, he’s an optometrist.
So his 4 broken ribs led to a traumatic brain injury? Because his lawyer goes into detail about how those injuries physically occurred.. His arm smashing into his side when he fell…. but he doesn't mention anything else. Not a blow to the head. Nothing. So seems made up. Because he was a charming guy before and now he's not? *Heavy eye rolling
Utah is famous for having so many scammers. A cute girl knocked me down while skiing at park city and would not get off me. I told her that if I was younger this would be a lot of fun.
I was originally on his side. His support has dramatically dropped.
Why couldnt Gwyneth have slammed into me? I never have any luck 😢