5 Worst Man Made Disasters #2

Spread The Viralist

5 Worst Man Made Disasters #2
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► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements

For any and all copyright matters, please email me directly at UnderworldCopyright@gmail.com

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About the Author: Underworld


  1. @Underworld : Um, why didn't you name the irresponsible and negligent company that was responsible for causing the Capfire Wildfire in California?
    The corrupt company PG&E were the ones responsible and it is sickening that not a single damn employee working for that company was every charged with a crime. Even though their negligence caused the deaths of multiple Americans and the destruction of a lot of private property.

  2. You know wildfires worse than this have occurred out of US when it comes to deaths. A bit of research and you would know there were 173 confirmed deaths and many more unaccounted for in 2009 Black Saturday fires in Victoria, Australia. Some towns were unaware of the fires and wiped out completely Ie Marysville

  3. Exon Valdez, …Pronounced Valdeez. I guess this happened before you were born, because it was such a big event any one alive at the time knows how to pronounce it.
    VAL Deeeeeees Strong E.

  4. 1:08, …The slightest miscalculation?
    Give me a break.
    slight miscalculations go on all day long.
    Words have meaning.

    Slightest miscalculation, dude, It's usually a chain of events.

  5. Why on earth would you talk over the explosion? And then what? You again talk over the second explosion?! I do like your videos, but come on your stepping on the best part!!

  6. bad coverage of most of these accidents.
    the warehouse one was amplified bcuz firefighters tried to put it out with water
    which caused a reaction and led to the massive explosions killing all first responders in the area.

  7. Hier sieht mann ja wieder was der Mensch alles zerstört dann braucht mann die Mutter Natur um das Gleichgewicht zu halten mit 8 Milliarden Menschen auf dieser Kugel. Amerika ist denke ich auf der Nummer 1 in Zerstörung darum wir die Natur sich als ersten rechen. Erst ein Kontinent erobern mit Mord und Zerstörung und heute einer auf Patriot machen. Die ganzen Flüsse umleiten um in der Wüste ein Party Stadt zu errichten für die reichen und anderen Regionen gehen kaputt weil sie kein Wasser bekommen. Die Natur wird das Gleichgewicht wieder in normaler Zustand bringen.

  8. 3:40 pg&e was responsible took out my grandmothers house and scorched my old neightborhood they got aquited of all charges by making a rediculous bankrupcy claim

  9. Yeah humanity is doomed. We're either too irresponsible or too idiotic with the knowledge we have and create. We will destroy each other someday. That's what all these videos show me. Human error is just too great, and one error alone can cost a while neighborhood, a whole city, or even a whole nation. When will we learn?

  10. Wildfires is mostly caused by governments and their rich employees who cause wildfires deliberately to make us believe it's climate change. You can find video's on youtube about this the fly over with helicopters flying over the woods, putting the fire on in lines like these with a large gas burner. All indoctrination what they spread to make us believe tthis is another cause. Look good at the lines of fire in this video as well, such long fire lines are not natural or caused by sparks from power lines. Watch closely, do you see powerlines on the way of the fire? Do you really believe that this is possible? When a fire start to lit, the whole area has to stood on fire before it spreads, not like this. sAME AT 12:18.

    It's all a complot within the covid bs. WAKE UP!

  11. Thanks for your videos. I would like to know, considering your report on the California fires, when you will consider a report on the Australian fires (in 20/21, I think)?

  12. Oil is the worst thing ever to happen to this planet, yet governments globally continue to refuse to ban it. Instead they promote it and take money from the oil companies. Nothing even comes close to the damage oil has done, both directly and indirectly.

  13. California has NOTHING on British Columbia's fires. NOTHING. But they're California. So everyone made it seem much worse than it really was compared to SO MANY other places.

  14. Explosions DESTROY humanity to the APOCALYPSE

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