A new report from Crosstown LA showed more than 800 shoplifting reports in January 2023 — the highest single-month total since at least 2010. Reporter Carter Hyde breaks down the numbers.
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Hopefully you gangsta do your job in those business who voted for uncle creepy pedo joke frauden.The ice cream scarecrows pestilence elected by 80 millions of death Americans 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Business owners need reparations for this.
People gotta stop loving crime so much that they vote for more of it.
Vote out the DEMONcrats unless you want America to fall
They want to band guns and cops… while raising the prices for living. What do you think is going to happen?
Keep voting democrat
Black again.
Retailers and the rest of the country were abandoned by the US Government who caved to the terrorists BLM and the ignorant Woke, not the police.
Not only do these people not care but they don't get punished and they multiply like cockroaches. pretty soon this country is gonna look like a concrete jungle after they've burnt literally everything down in the name of idiocy.
This is what happens when fathers abandon their children. This is what happens when people have zero education even though school in america is free. these are people who will rob you then come back and kill you for fun. then they will spin it and blame someone else. just read the angry comments xD
Amazon probably hired these ghetto pieces of shit.
😂 what you expect from these animals. There goes y’all blm supporters . Ignorant dumb af . Black chicken heads are the highest causes and problem in this society for causing all types of crimes . Yet they wanna act like drama queens and play the victim
Those MAGA people 🙄
Democrats are destroying California protection for criminals
I love how our beautiful people proof their real essence
The best people on this world doing what they are good for…
What a beautiful people
When you run the business out of Ca. and there is nothing left to steal don't come to my State. We enforce the law, yes we have bond, if you qualify. Yes we have prisons, yes everyone has right to carry. It's not the same game. Ever heard about stand your ground? We understand it just fine.
LA has the most ghetto black ppls, then Philadelphia black ppls.. lol
Shut all department stores down and deliver from a warehouse. Only items that have been paid with a valid credit/debit card will be sold plus a shipping and handling fee. People cannot be trusted to drive anywhere with doing a street takeover or some kind of sideshow. Everyone must pay for the carelessness of a few.
This is what Democrats and their followers love.
And the community wonder why stores are closing stores all over 🤦🏻♂️
Shoplifting is wrong, however, consumers are also getting robbed by large corporations who are price gouging us.
Rats 🙁
These robbers show up in pajamas and sandals. Young people these days just want to live large without doing any work. Horrible, these people shouldn't even get to live for free jn jail, they should be forced to work, clean gutters and other work nobody else wants to do. That should be their punishment.
LA used to be the GOOFLIFE.. not anymore!
Know what's also crazy? How much money business owners steal from their employees and the govt steals from us by not taxing these businesses but uh
People voted for it. They cover the suspects face!
They need to get tougher on laws.
Immigrants should really think twice before coming to this country.
It’s not same anymore just sad.