At the moment, at least five people are known to have died as a result of a severe flood that hit central Turkey.
The body of a man who had been missing for two days was found afternoon, Turkey’s public disaster agency
The province of Istambul was particularly hard hit, where four people died last weekend.
Buses falling under water, collapsing walls and heavy traffic left Istanbul residents disappointed as heavy rains and flash floods swept through the Turkish metropolis.
hail and heavy rainfall of up to “30 liters per square meter” were recorded in some areas.
A spokesman for the Turkish Interior Ministry said that the authorities had received information that one person had gone missing during the storm. 44 employees of the search and rescue service were sent to the area together with the fire department of Istanbul
Eight villages were still under lockdown in the northern town of Kastamonu on Monday morning after flooding caused roads to collapse.
Images on Turkish television showed scores of cars being carried on flooded streets, with roofs ripped off by strong winds.
yellow and orange weather warnings were issued in 42 cities in central and northern Turkey, and a number of schools were closed.
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