In Honor Of MajinCarp
Intro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMn8ImhUVwU
Merch! https://shop.bbtv.com/collections/imdontai
PO Box 56230
Virginia Beach, Va 23456
This is the top of a train car door about 200 pounds 10:04
8:49 why tf were the chat blaming white people like a white man as a KKK member 💀
6:53 this like Pet Sematary
brp speaking bout deaths x died on my birthday
7:56 dude deserves whatever happens to him for being such a dumbass smh
Why he always pointing that finger at me
3:26 bro thought this was GTA real life 💀
3:48 Mario Kart
9:54 hit em with the wombo combo
10:22 white people these days be walking like a deformed 90 degree angle🤣🤣🤣
The guy in the clip of the car going fast on snow he says “Baszameg” kinda means fuck or fuck it.
Who tf let’s there baby walk out the house? How does that even happen? Like how dumb you gotta be to do that, she was probably watching and waiting for he baby to die but when people helped it she said “oh dang it” and pretended she lost it and helped it cu there is no way you can be a mother so ignorant you let your baby walk outside into the streets
W cat
nigga bent his foot at the end!
Could you imagine if that dumbass in the Dino costume got ripped apart by that alligator then everyone there had to explain that shit to the the cops then the cops have to explain that to his parents
Every one is gonna think that dude is fucking crazy when he tells them a door hit his car
3:30 cuz fast travled
wtf is that a door 🤣
is that batman?
10:03 got me cryin😂😂
Last guy was "reduced to atoms"
10:03 famous last words
As soon as the landslide fell the beat dropped
10:02 LMAO imagine the person in the video said that and then died
shits crazy lol
Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
3:17 mario kart 64 shortcuts be like:
almost gets eaten by a whale dontai: look how dirty our water is
9:00 W song
8:00 why women live longer than men:
3:41 he was just taking a short cut
at 8:28 i was like they gotta be white (no racist stuff)
dontai called the baby it
Bruh my ass got some ptsd and shit cause when that song went off my heart stopped. FYI I used that song called "Afire" as my college alarm clock. Bad memories
Bro the first minute of the video describes the people I gotta deal wit while workin in fast food people just be going there to get their anger out on da employees like bra go beat your kids or sum🤣🤣💯
I’m dontai: how do you even explain that to ur insurance company a door.
Also I’m dontai : watching the dash cam video of the door flying into the car . Hmmm I wonder how they will explain it 😅
How tf is our sky even blue if it reflects off the ocean, water dirty as fuck
The cat tho goddamn what a W
10:17 this nigga playing Mario kart
That Alligator was like
"Ayo what you doin around here fool yo ass should've been extinct long ago."
3:34 he said Basza megg (can't spell it) but that means Oh Fuck, or just Fuck its Hungarian.
As soon as the beat dropped shit got 100x weird and funny almost bruh