In this video we explore some very creepy and strange captures on trail cams.
Donovan Dread: https://youtube.com/@donovandread
Donovan Dread 2: https://youtube.com/@donovandread2
Lilith Dread: https://youtube.com/@lilithdread
Dread Captures is dedicated to bringing you strange and weird encounters caught on trailcam. We post new videos every week so make sure to subscribe!
Weird and strange things happen all the time, but sometimes they’re captured on camera for the world to see. That’s what Dread Captures is all about. Videos of strange and weird encounters that have been caught on trailcam.
#trailcam #donovandread #caughtontrailcam
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Email: Stories@dread.army
Music by Co.AG
Your "RAKE" at 12:55 is nothing more than a guy crawling on his hands and knees. You can see his legs and feet trailing behind him.
man craling ,you can see his feet
it could be blood from lungs shooting up
shot twice blood coming out from velocity of bullet
I have no idea what the mystery is regarding the "rake on camera" footage–you can CLEARLY see that it is a person on all fours. Their shoes are plain as day, a short distance behind where the legs touch the ground, just as they would be on a human. I fail to see what the mystery is on that one. Oh, and I totally agree with the skunk idea on the first video–just a big tail sticking up as it runs off.
12:44 is a person crawling on the ground, you can see the knees bending as it’s moving.
Like other said about the wild pig either lung shot or even after death the bowels also relax and could be gasses being released from the bowls but more likely lung shot.
maybe it was gravity that brought the birds down. its really hard to explain
First video definitely a skunk..
The bigfoot scream is somebody screaming true a paper towel carton. I used to do that same thing every time we had military training exercises in the woods at night in the Army, scaring my squad and others.
clearly, the RAKE is a person
The "creature" is a human on all fours…
Someone shot the boar through the lungs.
the birds crashing might of been that they got scared by thunder.
It's a skunk
yes it's a skunk
Well, there are a ton of powerful technologies which have been kept from us, by the same people who orchestrated the present gen oh side of around 15 million at present, the largest gen oh side in planetary history. They've kept the technologies from us so that we don't benefit, and also so that they can develop wepons in secret which are obviously meant to ck'ill everyday people who are not in the armed forces, say.
Due to the fact that the wild boar had hot smoke plumes pulsing out of it's body, it looks as if they used the wild boar for target practice, with a very, very high amplitude of microwave wepon. It looks to me that they created heat in the body of the wild boar, which was so hot that the boar's insides were burning into smoke while it was still alive.
Heat was definitely involved, that's what explains the plumes of smoke. Obviously, the micro waves were not the broader ones that we're familiar with in microwave ovens, but instead it was more like a laser focused beam.
The micro wave in micro wave ovens has an extremely small wavelength, which is calibrated to match the average distance between the molecules of any given substance. All microwave ovens use wavelengths calibrated to the average distance between water molecules, and also other food related substances, but I don't know what the rundown on those other substances are. The wavelength is the distance between the peak and the valley of a single wave. When the peaks and valleys of the wave hit the centers of the molecules of the water, or whatever, it posits energy in the molecule, and thusly the material heats up with the increased energy. The boar was hit with that type of microwave, which was so powerful and so laser focused that the injury was small but extraordinarily hot.
As a point of information, when that same microwave is tweeked just a little, so that the wavelength is the average distance between the actual molecules, which is to say, the average distance between the outside edges of the molecules, then something very different happens. The peaks and valleys of the energy beam, then, instead of positing energy to the molecule, the energy works as super small sledgehammers, which actually break up the intra molecular bonds. The intra molecular bonds are the bonds that keep all materials together, instead of collapsing into dust. When water is heated to the point that the molecules, with more heat and energy, bounce around off of each other a lot …. then some of the molecules bounce away from the rest of the water …. which is how steam is created. Other than that, intra molecular bonds are always keeping everything intact. But when a material is hit with the wavelength which is calibrated to the average distance between the molecules … then that's even worse than the microwave heat wepon. This second form ……. literally does collapse the material into dust. A human being can be turned into dust wich such a wepon. At lower amplitudes of that same frequency, the material will become softened. All microwaves, in order to be effective against their targets, must be calibrated to the specific material, based on the resonant frequency of the material. The resonant frequency of materials is the vibration of the material in a resting state. Each human also has a unique resonant frequency.
The dustification microwave is what took down the twin towers. Sure, bombs were planted there as decoys, but it was dustification wepons which took them down. You can look up photos and videos of the pieces careening off of the collapsing buildings, and they are clearly turning into dust in mid air, as they careen away. They leave plumes of dust, not smoke behind them. They are not on fire, they are dissolving in mid air.
So, it's nothing to them to ck'ill anything, and it looks like the poor wild boar was just target practice for them.
Also, I've seen videos of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, where the narration states that it's "unknowable" what happened to the Edmund Fitzgerald. Well, that's a spooky thing to say, but, no, think twice. That wreck happened in the 1970's (as best as I can remember), and airplanes were outfitted with directed enrgy wepns by the 1950's, but of course we were never told about that. Aerial photos show that the Edmund Fitzgerald was cut clean in half. Clean in half, just like it was a paper ship which someone chopped in two with skissors. And it was like a tanker, it was a truly unsinkable ship and had had a mass history of weathering every storm. There was a storm that night, but the crew had radio support. The ship sunk fast, within a few minutes of the last radio communication, when the crew reported that it was stormy, but everyone and everything was holding up, there were no problems. Then, within minutes, the whole ship was at the bottom of Lake Eerie (or whichever lake it was). Everything, every single detail about the sinking made it impossible for the ship to have sunk by accident. The lake bottom was smooth at that location, there were not even any rocks for it to accidentally hit. The only explanation which makes sense was that it was cut in half by directed enrgy wpns from the air. Look up the photos and see for yourself, nothing about the wreckage is organic.
So, anyway, don't give these sai ta nists behind the scenes, any benefit of the doubt. Know them for who they are and what they're trying to do. If we let them slide, then we're ded.
Pumba the warthog omitting gas as usual
That one is a naked tweaker crawling through the woods. Have you guys ever seen how them tweekers are? Definitely a good possibility
Ah come on it’s obvious that’s a bloke crawling around in the forest at 13.15
Got shot and that was either blood or air from the lungs
Hi, there is a chemical that is a hallucinogenic that is used like a poison to kill birds but can only be used by specialty trained pest control using a controlled substance that causes the birds to crash into things or fall from the sky ..😮 research to check pest control substance on pest birds..
First clip is definitely a skunk.
The clip starting at 12:38 (The "Rake") is the type of video that makes the creator look like an absolute IDIOT! How in hell can ANYONE with at least one working eye and their Frontal lobe still intact not see that the "creature" is a person crawling around on their hands and knees? The damned thing is clear enough to see that they are wearing tan pants of some sort and a white or cream colored sweater or shirt!! And yet you WILLINGLY talk about it like it is some great mystery just so you can get a couple more views! I need to learn not to "thumbs up" a clip till it's played clean through! SIGH!!!!!
I saw a video a couple months ago. There were 4, 5 people doing research. One of them captured a bear a way off but one can see it was a bear. This bear stopped, stood up and moved to release, I guess, his arms and legs. It was a Big Foot. They can change their body and come out when they don't think anyone will see them.
The Pig was downed by a lung shot, the big spray was blood being forced out the wound by the pig trying to breath.. A huge intake of air builds up and the pressure blows the wound open in the lung but the material around it collapses back in, temporarily closing the hole until the pig starts forcing the air into the lungs trying to breath until it builds up so much pressure it blows the wound back open and air and blood spray blows back out the bullet hole… What a horrible way to die… It's absolutely terrifying, one of the most terrifying things a soul can go through in MHO… no matter how much you breath in you cannot get enough oxygen in to let you not gasp in terror and the more you breath in the more pressure it builds up and the more pain your in and the more pressure builds up the more you start to drown in your own blood…..