![CAR CRASHES & ROAD RAGE [WOMEN DRIVERS №6] | NEWS, STORIES AND COMMENTS 2023](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/CAR-CRASHES-amp-ROAD-RAGE-WOMEN-DRIVERS-№6-NEWS-818x490.jpg)
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Special Thanks to:
Kevin S – youtu.be/FVb_pWt30ss
Jim Leipart
Frank the Geographer – youtu.be/2wfVI_ZwIk4
Ryan C. – youtu.be/dFu7C-oGY-M
Asatru Patriot – youtu.be/7lOO30Pc9FY
Achis _car
michael barnett
BDUBS Super fun Channel
jeff wei
Who drives better: men or women?
Most people agree that being a good driver means being safe and not aggressive on the road. One debate some people still argue, however, is who drives better: men or women? Although it’s impossible to say that one gender drives better than another definitively, there are some noteworthy trends.
Male drivers tend to have more accidents
Data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) shows that male drivers tend to have more total accidents than females. The IIHS, an independent non-profit dedicated to reducing car accidents, also found that 71 percent of all motor vehicle crash deaths in 2017 were males. Although the gap has narrowed, almost every year from 1975 to 2017, the number of male crash deaths was more than twice the number of female crash deaths, per the IIHS.
The same trend holds true even if you factor in age. The number of driver fatal crash involvements in 2017 was 53 percent higher for males than for females. Plus, more men between the ages of 16 and 29 have fatal crashes than females in the same age group. This is only slightly higher for those 30 and older. The difference is largest among male and female drivers between 20 and 29. The study authors attribute these differences to men typically driving longer distances than women, and engaging in risky practices, like speeding or drinking and driving, Vice reports. Everyone should also avoid these 13 other things you shouldn’t be doing in your car.
Women might be less-confident behind the wheel
Although male drivers have more accidents, other research shows women aren’t “perfect” drivers, either. Researchers from the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute studied traffic accidents over 20 years and found that female drivers are more likely to run into a car driven by another woman than a man. The study, however, doesn’t explain possible reasons for this pattern. There is a reason for this trend that’s the most common car crash cause in the United States.
One that they might consider testing in the future is that some research also shows women are less confident behind the wheel than men. A study from UCLA exploring the relationship between new drivers’ skills and different variables, including gender, shows female students were less confident drivers than men. But both received almost the same score from driving instructors.
So are men better drivers than women?
Gender is just one factor when it comes to safe driving, along with others such as age, and even the time of day people drive. One study shows that both genders have a greater accident risk when driving at night, but males still have a higher risk at all times of the day. Driving quality also changes based on location, too, as some states are more dangerous than others. Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that Wyoming, Mississippi, and Montana have high accident death rates, without regards to gender. It goes to show that everyone should learn and practice safe driving habits instead of worrying about who drives better. And no matter who you are or where you live, everyone who drives should know the 15 things you should do within ten minutes of having a car accident.
Thanks for watching. Stay safe on the road!
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2:45 I mean the cammer is a dickhead but at the end of the day the girl caused the accident by swiping his car, sad but she probably ended up paying out for this one
3:05 yeah its all on camera bud, and ur the bad guy
Getting their plates ain't to nufin,get out and kick the window's in hopeless
4:06 whats the soundtrack called?
El último el mejor,,,,, Que habrá pasado al final? jajjjja
11:24 imagine being that dumb.
2:38 he sounds like a nerd 😂😂😂
WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU HONK AND START SHIT TALKING A RANDOM DRIVER? Does she not care about her child’s safety?
Why are you staying so far back in the drive thru lane? On your phone, maybe?
No kidding! The cammer tried to bully his way in and hit the woman. There’s two things wrong here, he crossed a double yellow line and he caused an accident. Some people are so stupid and that cammer is one of them. God help us all
And I bet, in that first video that the person drove on by and said “OMG! That person just flipped his/her car! It’s a good thing that I didn’t cause that! Stupid driver!” And went on their merry way.
6:00 Imagine how far that line is going if everyone leaves a 2 cars gap in front of them like you do? 🤨
0:44 that is a very long yellow light
The guy there is forcing he's way out. I'll got in on video. God for you 🤣
6:00 who in their right mind would sit in a wendy's drive thru for 30 minutes to get 2 free chicken tenders. wtf is wrong with you people. the chick was dumb for cutting the line, but wtf does the cammer think hes doing too? i'm just gunna shut my car off and leave a huge gap, because ya know, thats how drive thrus work right? you're a clown mr cammer, and that chick is just a tad dumber than you
1:30 Both of them are wrong for ignoring the yellow as both should have yielded based on the given time they collided. However, based on mention that they took this to court. It is highly likely that the pickup will be seen as the one in the right because they have the right of way regardless of the fact that they were driving recklessly.
Road rage of any kind is nothing more than self-justified childish behavior while driving under the influence of impaired emotions.
6:59 If someone does this to you, get directly behind them and keep honking the horn so their order cannot be heard.
Talking or texting while driving should carry the same penalty as DUI, just as dangerous.
"don't worry it's all on camera"
says the guy who is completely at fault, and a di k to boot.
who the hell waits in line 30 minutes for fast food even if it's free?
Why just post "women drivers"?
2:38 cammers fault 100% Forced his way into the accident.
6:22 at this point a tactical nuke launch was imminent.
Welcome back
This is why nuclear weapons were invented.
0:55 God is driving again.
The dude at the Wendy's drive through is brain dead.
4:15 This one's wild—she's got no bra on & BOTH hands on the wheel (we can see her phone is on the dash) & still rear-ends the cammer? 🤷🤷♂🤷♀
3:09 Honestly y'all both wrong for this one; this never, ever needed to make a baby cry… and then continue to make it worse afterwards. Unreal. A good lesson for how not to respond when it's our turn behind the wheel.
Second clip, do you realize there is a plastic film colored blue over your lense? Did you read the instructions or watch anything through the camera?
05:54 🫣😨🍔
Imagine loosing your virginity to an automatic gate.
Hey dude at Wendys, you are a idiot.
5:54 Looks like the cammer was drifting over the line, too.
3:03 the cammer is the idiot!
11:30 That was the most insanely stupid move I have ever seen! Getting herself crushed between the gate and her car. 😮 smh
I dont mean to sound bias but why are most of these accidents from women drivers?