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WARNING: These techniques can be very dangerous and should ONLY be done in self-defense against someone trying to seriously harm you.
On that note, these street fight dirty fighting techniques are the great equalizer against bigger, stronger, taller, older opponents.
Intro song by Jason Sheck of Dime Street Joker
Audio file(s) provided by http://www.audiomicro.com
D.I. throat jabbed me. I was fucked. Thought I was gonna die. He did too. He was scared shitless. Thought he was headed for red line brig.
Ant that uh Shane ! Pun intended 😁
What if some one falsely accused you of sex crime and you get hunted down by vigilante
And I'm glad that people even though it's like 10 years later is finally waking up to this fraud hell I'm still waiting 10 years later for our street fight hell I'd have a smile on my face and I'd punch him with my left jab right hook left jab and my finisher my right hook uppercut and then while he is knocked out falling to the ground I'd grab the back of his head and hit him with 2 right knees but the thing now is I'm older I'm a 35 year old man now and I'm a 100 percent disabled retired fireman and a urbanbsearch and rescuer and my entire spine is ate up with osteoarthritis I have severe nerve pain nerve damage and neuropathy and I have a very weak left leg and I have left foot drop that I have to wear my left foot drop brace for and I have osteoarthritis in my left big toe I have osteoarthritis in my left knee I have 2 bad shoulders and I have 2 bad hands 95 percent of the time I have to walk with my cane and this morning I went to my nurse practioners office so she could write me a prescription so I could get me a wheelchair if I was 10 years younger and really muscular like I used to be with big fucking muscular arms big fucking muscular legs and a thin fucking neck I'd go toe to toe with ya snd go to war with a smile on my face trading punches this Shane character
Says he don't like bullies and shit and 10 years ago he messaged me on Facebook thinking he was big and bad
I remember this guy I had him on Facebook years ago and he messaged me starting shit and i said let's meet up and I never got a message back from him lol
Shane kinda gives me robby keene vibes but he knows other martial arts besides karate
I like a razor blade in my hand also habit picked up locked up 🤷🏽♂️
In the future, please a humble assistant. Not one who is looking for attention or one who distracts from the topic at hand. AND, thank you for this lesson.
This gent is good. The head butt was bad because it hit the hardest part of the opponents head. Again, Shane is good, the head butt wasn't good.
Will this work if you, WHEN you fight naked and can this move set help you pin them down long enough to properly sodomize your attacker?
Awful Simps!!
Step one: always have your phone in your right hand
This is barely better than the Detroit self defense guy …
1:53 I got that yesterday from a bully and today I used his weapon against him..
Great tips, thank you. Reading through the comments I see a lot of questions and challenging remarks. Our awareness is different in every situation because every situation varies.
This video offers options not solutions. Having basic level of self defence and offensive training is a good idea. Then to practice such to ensure that the body and mind is familiar with the movements for those moments when there isn’t time to properly assess the confrontation.
The idea here is to be able to extinguish a confrontation with in seconds so that the attacker can not keep its original intent.
Kicking and knees work but I prefer to keep my feet on the ground or the guys throat
Fun, and effective thanks buddies!!
I have to use these because I'm really short
I was held in a headlock under water i jabbed my fingers into his eyes
I'm an advocate a little bit of dirty tactics…way i see it is, if someone wants to do me harm i'm destroying them, heres a little video of a good way of making that happen, which has served me well in many confrontations https://youtube.com/shorts/3khVArJRFXY?feature=share
Looking this up cause I’m abt to fight dis girl yea she got her ass beat last time but this time I wanna know how I came make this bitch bleed cause I ain’t give her the full combo and people was holding us back
you can't kick a girl in the balls
What happened to the comedy guy? He's not around anymore lmao
I had a nightmare we’re I got into this like big fight this guy was trying to kill me and I got very scared then I woke up and ever since I had that nightmare I’ve been like scared to get attacked so I came to watch this video and this will help me alot
I fight to win and not for the glory
No bullies r amazing I love bullies
headbutting some head on head is stupid. A better way to headbutt their nose. It will save you from a large splitting headache and possible concussion. And it will be more effective
Bro I feel like the bullying is not cool is a suggestion to use this on my bullies
That is not bad. Thought of doing a video of the really bad ones? Maybe giving too much ideas for some.. I can give one on this style. When someone is walking towards you, shove fingers on his forehead, same time bend your knee to the grotch. But the really evil ones, i am not surpised they would be hard to find, yet kind of test how far could the youtube go on showing the horrid way people can defend or fight.
Forgot the head clap.
Instructions unclear, accidentally totaled a Jeep
This tip works, just ask my sister she didn't stand a chance
Don't try this on your mom she is way more trained than you
I think I'm getting jumped on monday and I'm 5ft tall
Frontal kick to the kneecaps, allways ends the fight