Watch People Die Inside compilation
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"It was glued shut!" Well, you DID notice he brought his muscles with him, right? 😛 Also–CAPYBARAS!!!<3
17:51 masbro
Never let a monkey near your tip jar!
7:47 had me wheezing
14:37 I want what he has! The vomit I mean😁
This is even more examples of what women shouldn't be allowed to drive.
u can tell how obv the luggage/headphone clip was staged cuz the guy who 'dropped' them was looking at the tags on a BRIGHT pink suitcase as if it 'might be his' nah you'd KNOW thats yours – also the woman who 'steals' the headphones already has her bag so what, she magically knew to hang around and wait for falling headphones lol
Ma' boy at 2:43 … "just DO it"
17:06 Rip 😂😂
That gas one pissed me off so bad, why does no one seem to know about the emergency shut off valves
8:10 Thumbnail video
It's a good selection of videos but the one at 14:17 made me think why do people dress that animals on purpose although they do not move they are probably too scared to move what is the point on dressing up the animals just for your own laughs I think if you were the animal I don't think you would find it funny if someone dressed you up
the way the dad jumped when alexa said "no" XD 10:03
What’s even funnier about the girl that said: imma do a cartwheel and she did a fucking backflip😂
0:13 Pretty sure that's what the "EMERGENCY STOP" button should be pushed… -_-
2:43 I mean, I don't blame him…
Gotta say that reverse pat down was pretty funny 😂
16:24 as a fellow Heather, I am not ashamed to say I answered yes when the guy asked for help XD
The one with the watermelon on the dog's head was so incredibly stupid!
Can't believe people still hold phones wrong way when recording, it's not rocket science.
How bad could it be
Capybara just pulled up.
@2:41 she doesn't like to swallow lol 😉
Love how all the childless couples dogs loves their nannies.
That's not a spill that's a gasoline flood like a little more urgency is warranted
3:18 💀
Santa Clause is not real! LMAO
3:31 bro is a v12 engine
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