Gwyneth Paltrow's Attorney Grills Terry Sanderson Under Direct Examination as Last Defense Witness

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Gwyneth Paltrow’s attorney Stephen Owens called Terry Sanderson to the stand as the defense’s last witness before they rested their case. Owens grilled Sanderson about discrepancies in his testimony about the ski crash, which the plaintiff blames on Paltrow, before diving deep into his life after the collision.

#GwynethPaltrow #SkiTrial #LawAndCrime

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  1. Him not being able to answer a simple question with a simple yes or no answer is incredibly frustrating and annoying 🙄🙈

  2. He did a lot of trips for someone who was injured and had a brain injury. My gosh! how did he think that was going to work out. Nobody told him that lying with a full social media account and full passport wasn't a great idea. He just knew he was going to get a big settlement.

  3. Ok this guy’s attorneys seriously failed him by letting him proceed with this lawsuitâ€Ļ. The judge that approved this suit going to trial made a huge error tooâ€Ļ. The attorneys failed if they knew;
    he’s had 3 near death experiences since the accident including one regarding the use of Narcan due to an Oxycontin/tramadol overdose,
    he’s been kayaking, hiking, downhill skiing, drinking, traveling across Europe and Morocco,
    traveling alone in Europe, scuba diving, going to rock concerts, etc
    yet he’s suing for damages due to brain injury because its impacted his life so drastically he felt compelled to end a loving relationship because he’s simply not capable of being in a relationshipâ€Ļ his concussion clearly didn’t impact his life drastically enough to warrant 300K in damagesâ€Ļ.

  4. So make up your minds stigmatizers or people just playing dishonestly. Are people who are injured or disabled naturally people who lie on the ground their whole life lazy for never trying or fake if they never get serious about trying to live or recover? Which is realistic or you haven’t gotten to that stage in life where you realize how complicated life is even just one individual?

  5. Hur kan detta fÃĨ pÃĨgÃĨ! Vilken slÃļseri med tid och pengar, pga en man son är sugen pÃĨ pengar. En gammal gubbe! Men man kan ju stämma varandra hur som helst i USA. SlÃļseri!

  6. The whole segment of terry being shown the pictures of his activities is the literal epitome of “Stop Stop he’s already dead!”

  7. This man traveled more after this ski accident that supposedly ruined his life than I have in my whole life 😂 He needs more money to travel and find someone else to run into and exploit.

  8. As a Claims Professional who spent most of her career handling catastrophic injury claims and litigation, I can tell you guys like this are a dime a dozen–it is infuriating to deal with people like him when you also routinely deal with people who are legitimately hurt.

  9. I like his "hike" the Inka Trail which takes 4 days to complete. Plus Permit has to be obtained from the Peruvian Government to do this hike. So, obviously he had all his marbles together to arrange that hike. Poor guy, I don't know who gave him the idea to file this frivolous lawsuit.

  10. Why does he call himself a doctor? Did he learn to do eye exams in the army? Did he have to go to med school or state the hypocrite oath

  11. Paltro is going to be famous for colliding with the world’s healthiest, wealthiest world traveling man ha ha. What an operator he is. She was hit from behind in a slow creepy way., she didn’t barrel into him., astonishing it has turned into this., other than she’s a celeb.

  12. Imagine that he's going for workman's compensation (if he were still working)! The private investigators would have a field day in their video surveillance! Imagine that a private investigator was near you on the slopes, when you're supposed to be out on a w.c. claim! Do not pay this claim! The epitome of the Ugly American Tourist!💕

  13. I think one 0nhis bucket list is to messed up wth celibrity maybe the only thing that will complete his bucket list

  14. I have never heard about such an active and fun life before! What this man did in 7 years is enough for a lifetime.
    I have hardly the time and energy to do anything of all these fantastic things and he wants millions for „being handicaped“, having „brain damage“ and „personality change“ after the collision.
    The most brazen liar imaginable.

  15. Being a former flight attendant, this guy traveled more than I did and I got to fly FREE!! What a user and a liarâ€Ļ I hope he is in the poor house after he did this to everyone. đŸ˜ĸ What a waste of resources, time and money. đŸ¤Ŧ

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