10 Terrifying Landslides Caught On Camera
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► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements
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How much persistence do they have? A mystery for me.
10:35 its time to drink a cup of tea!
Corona China
everything is giant & terrifying if you live in a bubble
𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗜 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗥𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗻𝘆 𝗦𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻?
It is impossible to remain calm in any situation. Also, we do not have to always be calm.
Nature develops us by constantly growing our ego. If we look at eons of human development, we can see development from basic survival desires for food, sex, family and shelter—desires we had as cave dwellers—through the egoistic desires that appear when we develop as civilizations: money, honor, control and knowledge.
The more the ego grows, the less calm we become.
Aggravation, agitation and stress are all states that nature urges us to feel in order to reach the recognition of our human ego as the cause of the turbulence, and by doing so, develop a sincere new desire to rise above the ego.
At this juncture, we need a supportive environment where we feel encouragement and confidence in order to rise above the ego.
One aspect of such an environment is regular learning and activity aimed at elevating us above the human ego, which shields us against any aggravations that come to unbalance us.
In other words, by regularly calibrating ourselves in order to recognize the ego as the source of our imbalance with our surroundings, and to rise above the ego, we would need to strengthen our supportive environment, which would in turn help us through any states we experience faster than if we were left to our own devices.
Thank you to those of you who knows who has control over our life's Not fearful to call upon the name of Jesus and to praise His name indeed the Lord cover this sweet elderly couple, homes can be replaced but not those whom we treasure and love.
12:34 caused 128 million Yuan or $18.00 American.
At 3:20 a couple people on the right against the wall didn't make it.
So many people still filming in Portrait Mode when the should obviously be using Landslide.
Anyone else see the guy thinking he is safe at 5:52 ? He gets buried in that culvert 😢 You just see him for a second at the left corner. I wonder if he ever got out?
2:32 "Typhoon You Tube" !
3:08 ,the camera is shivering
HEY! Turn Your Phone 'SIDEWAYS' for FULLSREEN Video!
Your Missing 66% of the Action! 🙄
Too bad there are so many videos taken in portrait mode.
I think watching this 'disasters' once is enough, rather than twice all the time, as I can do replay them myself if I want to…..😀
Remind me never to relocate to China.
What Is the Difference Between God and Nature?
“It is best for us to agree and accept the words of the Kabbalists that ‘the nature’ (Heb. ‘HaTeva’ [‘הטבע’]) has the same numerical value as ‘God’ (Heb. ‘Elohim’ [‘אלהים’]—eighty-six. Then, I will be able to call the laws of God ‘nature’s commandments [Mitzvot],’ or vice-versa (God’s commandments [Mitzvot] by the name ‘nature’s laws’), for they are one and the same.” – Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), “The Peace.”
There is nothing besides the system of nature, which Kabbalists equally refer to as “nature” or “God,” and we are integral parts of this system.
Therefore, when we say that there is one God, it means that there is nothing besides one force acting in this single system we are parts of.
The desire of the single force acting in reality is to bring us into connection with it—not via coercion, but through awareness in a positive manner.
As much as we understand, feel and attain this force as one that is good and benevolent, then we can adhere to it and reach its level of complete awareness.
the footage of natural disasters always reminds me of how powerful nature can be.
you should do the footage from the 2020 Seyðisfjörður Iceland landslide
People fuck up with bees then birds don't have honey to eat and bear don't have honey or birds and they burn bird nest result is volcano and so called disasters and birds are also drinking water and people are still not learning how to sustain life in this planet earth and 2 wild bees was killed this week by a car and I think spring season in planet has been broken sense building started
thank me later
"Western drivers don't expect landslides to block their roads.." Somebody obviously never traveled through Washington State lol. Not only do they block roads, but they also delete entire towns! Google: "Oso Mudslide".
'Thanks to the quick thinking Bus driver'…err no, he just sat there like an idiot until it was almost too late!!
rock, dirt and debris? what kinda debris were talking about? womans underwear, sigaret butts. roadsigns? i dont get it.
2:04 #10…that's the problem we faced when I was doing avalanche recovery in the Colorado Rockies; we had to make sure that the slides were done before we could start searching as some of them could — and did — run two or three times. Always dangerous.
Yawn. Get a real job. Repeats and boring voice over.
Your 'wantent' is getting worse. Time to find a real job at maccas.
I love the way this narrator just makes up the narration of this video. This video was donated to him so he can't know what was really going on and why the bus driver didn't back up and cause the rocks to hit the bus. He more than likely was sitting there because everyone wanted video of the cool landslide for Facebook, like the idiot standing in front of the bus with his camera phone and he just didn't back up in time. I would have been more truthful and called it like a saw it.
Naga Cebu, Philippines landslide footage. The entire top area of the mountain moved. Lots of poor souls lost their lives that day.
1:08 This was the biggest landslide I ever seen if you don’t know what I mean watch the part till the end of this
at a bad lake, Dat a bad lake
Arghhhhhhh. Portrait mode!!!!
What mountain?
I will be very happy the day people start recording videos in "landscape mode".
Funny how many are Chinese. I have seen the road blocks for than land nothing like these.
Do all these land slides have a road below them that chiselled into the hillside weakening the mountainside below the landslide ?
We're lunky it didn't happen in the ocean!
Regarding the Shangri-La one: Imagine you're a fish just swimming in the river, minding your own business, and then a fucking mountain falls onto you.