From a book mysteriously moving on a shelf to visible shadow figures in an abandoned prison, the Ghost Hunters TAPS team has had numerous shocking paranormal encounters. Follow Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango, and Shari DeBenedetti as they explore some of the most haunted locations in America, capturing mind-blowing evidence along the way!
Renowned TAPS team members Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango, along with Shari DeBenedetti, reunite to revisit their most chilling cases and investigate disturbing new hauntings. Armed with state-of-the-art technology, their proven methodology and special guest investigators, TAPS tackles disturbing paranormal activity head-on, leaving no stone unturned to reach the dead among the living.
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Heard my dad watching this, I listened in and got hooked. Excellent preformance!
It is cold…….ffs
I've always preferred TAPS to any other ghost show because of how committed they are to finding REAL evidence, and the focus they have on debunking. Not every bang and thump is a demon, not every flicker on the camera is a ghost. I get a bit frustrated with other shows because they go in assuming that every noise they hear is irrefutable proof.
Wow 😳
Is that THE Franklin Shackleford?! Brother to Rusty Shackleford?!!
Hey y'all I've had this attachment for way too long so now I'm like the scar-faced with an attachment war going on say hello to my little friend with my ghostbusting laser cuz they won't get off the hot topic good luck😊 for some of you that are wondering with this text yes they're entities peace out much love lol
Who come here from phasmophobia
Guys I suggest next time you take a couple of girls with you to pump your courage.
I watched a couple of clips and noted you puss your pants every few minutes . You saw some scratched on the food
And nearly fell the stairs . One broken mirror in desert of Nevada got you packed and running.
This is very sad 😢
Ghost Adventures vs Ghost hunters..
The two are very different ..GH do none of the GAC does..before this GA show I loved this GH show watched for years until zak bagans came along 😂
If you build it, they will come
Worst ending ever! Why on earth did you cut it in the middle of the most interesting part? 🙁
Bad acting…
Ghost Hunters is fake.
Yeah. So anybody who goes out with the intention to record paranormal activity, then actually "captures" some, is bulls***ting. The fact that REAL scientists havent been able to produce convincing evidence of the paranormal, with better technologies than what's available to these people, is very telling. I 've lived a long life, visited some very scary places (churches, abandoned buildings, empty hospital wards, morgue etc) been around dead bodies, the works. At no time have I EVER seen or heard anything remotely paranormal. Utter bull.😂
if you make too much noise you won't hear them,
40:00 so fawking fake these guys hahahahahaha
Absolutely love this show
U guys schould ghost hunt vid Jocke and Jonna from sweden
The ghosts be wondering how these strangers know their names and the little boy is probably frustrated and pissed because of course he feels anger and fear being for being left there to die
These ads will be the end of me
Walter white is now hunting ghosts
How do spirits manage to stay on earth and why do they all seem to be mean?
Why can't they be nice and talk without it going through that device?