Uncle Farmer Dad Ben 👨🏻🌾
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Mrs. Ounce's betrayal was terrible, but I will not accept this revisionist history. Be it romance or bromance, they were buds from the start. But of course that just makes the betrayal hurt even deeper, knowing that shared interest in a shy cringe gf was enough to ruin such a beautiful relationship.
Ben don't eat my family 🙁
Big ounce is so fattttt
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5 16
Spray the hey with water
Aw nice marmot
Jeremiah 17:14 New International Version (NIV)
Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
mmmmm gulac
What type of animal is big ounce
Plot twist: Mrs. Ounce smelled Biggerton's cancer, and knew what he had to do to save Sir Biggerton. He must bite his cancer out, so Uncle Ben would be able to take care of it before Sir Biggerton died from said cancer. A truly remarkable redemption arc for Mrs. Ounce. Good luck, Mrs. Ounce… you were a true one. We shall miss you.
Big ounce once karate kicked the blind robber who saw me😊
based farmer ben at 7:41
Im happy Big Ounce beat cancer and is doing well
hey just letting you know if those are real bones, they can dissolve in water btw.
Big ounces in urban reause are overpower
Have you ever read the scripture recorded at ( Ecclesiastes 9:11) would you like to know what it means?
I used to have a White Cloud Mountain Mino it lived for 13 years
Based Big Ounce cures cancer?!?!?
9:42 just gonna bookmark this moment, don't mind me.
Praise God for Big Ounce's recovery!!!!!!
He do ballin🥵🥵
3:44 lmao
Woo woo 🎉 2:13
They grow up so fast.
Based uncle Ben for caging Big ounces wife. Her villain ark was defeated like Tai Wan being sent to the shadow realm by Poe
Big ounce beater cancer. (For fun).
It's awesome that you put scripture in your videos, and your videos are hilarious 😆
Big ounce fought with me in ww2 and we won those were the days 🦧
hope when he is singing the song he didn't say the n-word
My mom died of cancer
Sus Imposter Ounce didn't know Biggerton had an arranged marriage..
i cant wait to see Big Ounce and Cringe rebuild their home together and start a family of ouncelings and cringelings
adultery hahaha
Not the goat following Uncle Ben while he's ballin
Cringe is probably a male too.
Long Live the King.
feel free to eat my family
Need a new name for ((Mrs ounce))
Common big ounce W
Haha you really did take back Ouncetopia 🤣
GO BIG OUNCE! I’m so glad he’s doing better 🥹🥳✨