Texas State Championships!
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And make sure to Subscribe for videos all throughout the season!
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Thanks to everyone in the video!
Gannon Buhr
Instagram – https://instagram.com/gannon_buhr_dg?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY=
YouTube – https://youtube.com/@gannonbuhr4004
Ezra Robinson –
Instagram – https://instagram.com/ezra_robinson_02?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Isaac Robinson
Instagram – https://instagram.com/isaacwrdg_19?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY=
Gavin Babcock
Instagram- https://instagram.com/gavinbabcock7?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY=
YouTube – https://youtube.com/@gavinbabcock7
Joona Heinänen
Instagram- https://instagram.com/jomelii?igshid=Mzc1MmZhNjY=
For the record, the day after I ate the Lil Nitro, I shot a 1080 rated round. That can’t be a coincidence
Does Gannon only own two shirts?
that was hysterical!
Granted he is only a teenager, Gannon is the king of cringe.
Was that Disc Golf Valley VR or a different one?
I’m crying tears of joy
Reading the title and seeing it was you guys, I already started to crack up 🙂
Poor Alden…always loses the challenges when food is involved.
Watching and subscribed…now go try off the chains 😀
Gannon squealing like a 10 year old LOL
The first time my 10 month old son has ever laughed at the TV was when Gannon’s avatar was flailing about in front of you. You’re making content for all ages!
That VR disc golf was the funniest shit ever😂
That was the most entertaining virtual disc golf I've ever seen
Hmmm….are these guys 🌈
This is awesome you guys are great
Ah, I remember when I had friends, then they got married to crazy women and had babies and they weren't allowed to come out anymore
That virtual golf had me laughing harder than I have in a long time! 🤣😆🤣😆😂
that Joona slomo drive was sauccyy
🤣🤣🤣 the VR
Rec room vr disc golf definitely fun time when goofing around on their courses with the windy obstacles.
Was laughing my ass off at you guys cheating in the vr 😂 so great
This is Tour life ✌🏻
Another good one
I said pizza too!!
why was it all wet when you squeezed the whoopy cushion(^o^). i CANT BREATHE
Love your vlogs! Keep em coming please!
The virtual golf had me cracking up
This was a great cut. Thanks Alden, you’re a legend.