🛑 Submit your clips: https://forms.gle/7LKzTdvHwnmZmZ439
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@gmail.com
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. Maelehn – — We were both the idiots today, unfortunately one of us got away scott free. ( Houston, TX )
2. 2lgt2rage – — ( Maplewood, MN )
3. Mess-Lab-Kitchen-Show – https://youtu.be/QZoV93G2MQ — I Get Instant Karma For Littering Like A Jerk ( )
4. YT: odtech – https://www.youtube.com/@odtech — ( La plata MD )
5. u/semperip – — /ImAlwaysTheIdiot ( Irving Texas )
6. Austin O. – — ( Coppell Texas )
7. Michelle Rose – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v38CY_skJk&t=0s — July 18, 2021 Road Rage Guy, CBS, NL ( )
8. Nickolas – — I-287 ( Somerville, NJ ) Two jokers going at it for a while and bonehead cop does nothing lmao New Brunswick, NJ
9. greigb – — ( Phoenix, Arizona )
10. u/TrvlMike – — This guy wanted to fight me because I did a short honk…… ( Durham, North Carolina )
11. Captain John – https://youtu.be/6zyf1nXlnjA — Car Cuts Off Bus Gets Instant Justice ( )
12. @dumbdallasdrivers – https://youtu.be/UL6QVPynoxk — ( Dallas, TX )
13. u/Echo262 – — ( )
14. Sean and Amy – https://youtu.be/z-W4OdeRaTA — Dashcam couple fake accident in Bensonhurst ( Bensonhurst )
15. Thievvez – https://youtu.be/rlPqyZK94lI — Infiniti Driver Road Rage
16. William Dye – https://youtu.be/tame2C3vd84 — Road Rage in Boston ( )
17. AngryD – https://youtu.be/33rBk_-6MjY — Old Man Tries to lecture Me, Then Hits and Runs! ( )
18. Anonymous – — ( Tucker, GA )
19. u/DCBadman17 – — Idiot doesn’t want me to get to my office I guess ( Austin, TX )
20. u/RAV4Mafia – — Florida State Trooper With Road Rage Bullies me TWICE ( Florida )
21. Flukybox – — ( Mansfield, TX )
22. u/Cold_Investment69 – — Worst driver I’ve seen in a lonnnnng time ( )
23. u/c-randol – — Honked three times at a car in 30 seconds – AITA? ( )
24. Kazen – — ( Spartanburg, SC )
25. Canadian Free Press 🇨🇦 – https://youtu.be/hQnG4MMHlm8 — Car Has No Lights. Runs Red Light INFRONT OF COPS | Dash Camera ( )
26. Anonymous – — ( Kennesaw GA )
27. Youre Momma – https://youtu.be/-O__72fpHwI — Instant karma ( San Diego CA )
28. u/HeyStopPlease – — Two racing idiots with no plates almost cause an accident on freeway.
29. Jordan S – — ( Sun Prairie, WI )
30. Colton T – — ( )
31. u/GroundbreakingAsk645 – — The old man and the tacos ( )
32. Amy S. – — ( Archdale, NC )
33. Joe Bananas – https://youtu.be/Ai4vXWt71u — Mustang jumps in front of me to brake check for several miles. ( Parsippany NJ )
⚫ My socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashcamlessons/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashcamlessons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick
I know some of you only watch this best of the month recap, so here it is 🙂
Love u
I'm pretty sure I recognize the location in the first clip from a recent body camera footage of a police officer running over and killing a women who had ran out in the road at night. I might be mistaken but it looks like the same place…
I’m a biker myself and that guy was completely in the wrong. All the driver did was warn you so you know then left peacefully. Mf throwing himself and his bike on his car. Like sir I paid a lot for my (at the time) brand new 2019 Kawasaki Ninja to crash it into someone over something so petty. Get a hold of yourself and grow tf up 😂
#3, this is a learning moment and not the one where your window is all the way down.
1:06 what an idiot
reason why after 60 you should have to legally take your eye and road test every 2 years or your license get taken away
Why do so many misspell "brake" on this channel?
In the third clip. That guy deserved a broken window. He tried to be a litter bug,but instead he broke his own window. Karma.
In the clip 17. The biker was a complete tool. You are not supposed to do a splitting lane stunt. In most States, this illegal, but mostly a stupid thing to do. The old man in the other vehicle did not hit the biker in the parking lot. The biker actually drove into him.
your biggest issue is you dont see a problem throwing it out the window what a POS
4:19 I like how he got aggressive first, THEN got scared when realized he had the right one 😂😂😂😂
pull over.
pull over.
pull over.
pull over.
pull over pull over!
pull over.
pull over.
Durham is the most liberal city in NC not surprised by the intolerance
1:30 WTF 😂😂😂
The bottle that busted the guys window is the hero he didn't deserve but needed….he won't be doing that again..if he's smart.
#15. Aint no way bro got nikocado avocado shirt bruh💀
serves you right for littering, scumbag
9 times out of 10 no headlights is a DUI. #1 reason people get caught when they otherwise wouldn’t.
12:35 You hit him, idiot! Not the other way round.
first clip …… Why would you ruin your car only ?
Props to the first person for taking responsibility for their own actions as well.
0:58 Instant Karma commercial lmao.
Number 11 🎉🎉🎉🎉
It amazes me how many of the people with the dash cams are the idiots in the wrong lol
Sorry but don’t pussy honk your horn. That’s your own road rage. You got what you deserved on that one.
#17, You're annoying and in the wrong. Dude was letting you know lane splitting was illegal in Texas, obviously you were unaware.
First dude didn’t have to swerve that much he just needed to go into the other lane. His fault
#6, in a perfect world the zipper works. But this isn't a perfect world. If you're literally the only one doing this then you are the problem, not everybody else. At that point you are impeding traffic more as nobody knows where you're planning to merge and you're causing traffic to get worse as everyone has to stop for a longer period of time to let you squeeze your truck in an already formed line.
Also you don't have the right of way. If everybody was really feeling like they wanted to be an asshole that day, they could've all hugged each other's bumpers and not let you merge and there's nothing you can do about it. If you force yourself in and cause a fender bender, that liability is on you. But of course this isn't surprising from a dude with a PA system on his truck. Over compensator who sniffs his own farts and thinks everybody but him is wrong.
You mistook the word someone for everyone.
12:22 #17 it looked like the motorcyclist drove into the white car while trying to go around him? also i looked it up and google says lane splitting is illegal in texas, so he caused a whole conflict for what?
There's nothing stupider than documenting and broadcasting with details of your own stupidity of breaking your own window.
This video compilation is full of this type of crap.
Say it a few dozen times more, but louder; they might hear you, and pull over, you idiots.🙄
17 😂😂😂😂😂
#21 I think they want that van to pull over.
8:39 he was so sure
8:28 ghost whisperer
15:25 said you only had 3 numbers its a96 nms