‘Aggressive’ wolf dog meets a good human. And here’s how he reacted.
Check out Dakota’s story: https://www.instagram.com/arcticfoxdaily/
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I love watching these stupid people trying to tame while animals then you read a article a few months later that that animal mauled that stupid owner to death and ate their face.
2:40 Dakota even brought out the wolf out of the fox. What an amazing life, beautiful life you live, idk where you live but that house, property, environment as well so beautiful,
to wake up in the morning and hear dogs that don't even normally howl, wolves, foxes, Coyotes all howling, truly amazing.
My Grandfather found an abandoned Grey Wolf puppy and took it home… 😅
He's beautiful and your very lucky to have such a special bond with him, he's definitely a mummys boy xx
Do you need an employee, I love animals. Specially dogs. I would give up my engineering job if you say yes.
"Communication with no words."
Describes the way me and my pets are. When you hurt a dog , cat, bird even a reptile will check on a person that loved and cared for them. This is a truth that I witnessed.
Great job woman the wolf is nice 👍 but you are pretty😂 keep up the good work God bless 🙏
Actually the black wolf is the big wolf pack compared to the main wolf since black wolf are very very rare to find of this, and I say wow I never seen the black wolf in countered to human and I was impressed by that and also people if raised by this part of wolf I would suggest be very careful on taking care of it cause black wolf are so strong they can ripped your fleshed off and also if you guys see this in the wild never EVER get closer of this cause they can attacked you and lure other wolf packs and i don't know if this is true thou if black wolf is the alpha cause when I saw this wolf I was thinking " hmm is this a alpha wolf" and I was thinking "hmm there's no way this is alpha wolf" .
I love it but seriously, Dakota? Kinda underhwelming name for a big black wolf
give this woman a med- a vacation
Its like he had white paint dribbled on his back and stepped in a little that missed him to cover his paws he is beautiful and one acre he must be in heaven
I love wolves howls ❤
Well, you know what you got to do – you need to buy a Red Riding Hood.
DONT worry about a holiday my last was 1993
"This is the first time in all the years I’ve heard someone describe their personality and characteristics honestly and more importantly, correctly". What a great video ! ! Thank you GBA. Part of my response was to what was written by oldgloryhillfarm turtlewoman. I just found it rather odd, if not surprising that this was the first time you had heard of wolfdog/wolf personality being described this way. My first impression after watching this video was that when identifying the personality of high or low content wolf dogs, was that certain elements of pack hierarchy as a result of the environment they came from as well as where they are placed created the foundation of either acceptance or rejection of relocation.
I found Dakota's "personality and characteristics" in line with the common understanding that Hybrids will react to compassion and love, only if they have lived in that environment and that their ancestral traits will surface when placed in a population of other dogs.
I also find it interesting that dogs of no known intentionally bred wolf content, will also react with a pack mentality when placed with a alpha dog or wolf/dog. Absolutely no disrespect meant to oldgloryhillfarm turtlewoman. I have worked extensively with hybrids helping to dispel the myth of these beautiful animals. Whether or not people should be breeding wolfdogs is another topic all together. Thank you GBA and oldgloryhillfarm turtlewoman.
I found it really heart warming to watch the connection you have with all of your spirit buddies ! ! I wish you years of success in your endeavors ! ! ❤😺
lol these are all ways cute and adorable 😀
until one.. day they mess with wrong animal and u hear they got eaten alive by one XD
i will never understand why ppl mess with wild animals XD
"I am the president and founder" … omfg, Can you just not say founder? Is mentioning you are the "president" really a requirement? Ego much jesus.
what does the fox say?
These wolfs are magnificent !
anyone trying to break in is gonna have a really interesting time
You have a fundme so one can give 'tips' for a well earned vacation?
I absolutely love you and your wolf pack. I am a dog lover and have always adored wolves. Dakota is wonderful.🤗
Die Tierpflegerin in Norwegen dachre auch die Wölfe wären ihre Freunde.
its 😍a dog/wolf world
Thank you for carrying & loving & learning about these beautiful animals.& yes they are very very smart.Better than most humans.Australia 😎👍😳
seriously doubt he is as big as a full grown wolf. but he is a big boy. you are doing a wonderful thing
I'm just at 1:49 , but I can't continue watching…
It's just so sweet that I can't see anything, behind my blurry eyes…
"So much bigger than a pure wolf would be" How big is he? Arctic Wolfs can get as big as my Leonbergers and I rarely heard of dogs or wolfs being much larger than that. Non other than the Irish Wolfhound of course, which is just insane. It´s like owning a barking horse. lol
That's so amazing, the wolf has a huge place in our reptilian brain, they hunted us for centuries, how majestic those animals are, lucky her !
Dog licks arse then licks womans mouth. Yum.