The in-depth story of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
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On March 11, 2011, the Japanese islands were struck by an earthquake of enormous force. For six minutes the ground was shaking, turning whole towns into piles of rubble. But, while the struggle to recover from the most powerful earthquake in the history of Japan was going on, no one was aware that the earthquake was the prelude to yet another drama. At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, a disaster of unprecedented proportions was about to happen.
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This disaster documentary is inspired by the fantastic “Fascinating Horror”.
#disasterdocumentary #fukushimadisaster #darkhistory
If you believe nuclear power is safe, than you either work in the industry or you haven't really thought this out.
It takes 1 bad day in the 40-60 year lifespan of these things to contaminate permanently an area 1000 square miles large.
These accidents get covered up and they always say that nobody died because of an accident.
You cannot prove that someone got cancer from this, thats why they can always say that nobody was injured.
What about the explosion of thyroid cancer alone in japan after this happened?
Its still being downplayed. The reactor buildings were destroyed yet we are suppoed to beleive that they are somehow in cold shutdow?
Japanese media are not allowed to cover any negative stories on fukushima since 2013… didn't you notice that all of a sudden no news was coming out?
Out of sight, out of mind.
…And before that, the Americans blew up a nuclear charge not far from the coast.
Why did they put the back up generators in the basement?
Even though the disaster was horrifying, I can at least give praise to how the Japanese handled the situation. It would be much much more devastating under an incompetent government and operating personnels.
Unfortunately humanity does not learn from its mistakes. In 1945, the United States used nuclear weapons, after which, the then humanity had the brains to think. In 1986, we had Chernobyl and people again received a slap in the face from nature. In 2011, Fukushima happened and again people were given a signal to stop thinking only about themselves …. I wonder how much more and what should happen for humanity to finally share its stupid showdowns and the fundamental principles of the survival of the race. Although watching monkeys with grenades on TV, I begin to understand the genius of Darwin.
Still better than wind and solar!
The second worst nuclear incident sounds scary but the contamination levels were at least 20 times lower that Chernobyl
People underestimate the impact of this disaster.
It is a global killer. Its not global warming it is Fukushima effect. They continue to dump millions of gallons, of radioactive untreatable waste water everyday. Into the ocean for the last 11 plus years.
12 miles = 19.3 km, not 9km, on 09:27 is confusing. Thank you for the video, well done.
Seems like a bad accident, then again ….how many already died from fossil fuels…miners, polution and more…
The fools intentionally disregarded the blueprint to put generators beneath sea level. A nuke probably couldn’t have cracked that reactor but a few generators in a puddle did. This oversight is tantamount to building a castle on a toothpick, madness.
So a secret society runs most these nations and does All this damage ..
To build a nuclear plant right on the coast was a complete fuck up to begin with……..
Its weird how many nuclear plants are beside bodies of water
3 reactors blowing up was less contamination than one in Russia? How bout the 30 years of spent fuel rods that where stored above the reactors that got blowed away into the atmosphere an environment? Coal is way safer!
I was living in Misawa, Aomori, when the quakes hit. I was six at the time and my dad was in the Navy. How much more frightening it would’ve been for me if I had known the danger we weren’t far from.
Not a single Godzilla warning.
Why do we have reactors-? Must be a safer way for power. Unsafe reactors are.
And you glossed over the damage caused to the Pacific Ocean, the radiation leaked into our jet stream circled the globe.
Всички отговорни за пропуските в сигурността на централата да ги набутат под похлупака при реактора за наказание!
It blows my mind that nuclear plants aren't built with a powerless failsafe design. All you would have to do is build a mesh of channels that separate the "corium" into isolated channels at the bottom. simple.
The Japanese government is acting as if such a huge disaster and accident never happened!! It's a hell of a country! As a Japanese, I can never forgive! 2023.3/29
Каковы реальные последствия аварии на атомной станции Фукусима, построенной в цунами-опасной зоне – всё умолчали… Всё смыли в океан и готово.
I'm Japanese.
I feel almost Japanese were forgotten this accident by government's propaganda. It's so shame and brutal thing. Fukushima people deprived them of their hometown by national strategy. Many,
Many of them were suicide. Still now.
My hometown is Sendai where has nuclear power plant what oldest power plant in Japan. Next incident will be us. But no one afraid of that.
Please know our circumstance and make most of your life. I'm sure it never happen again. FUKUSHIMA DISASTER IS NOT ENDING NOW.
There's an amateur documentary on the earthquake with footage, some shown in this video of before, during and after the quake, as well as before, during and after the tsunami mostly in one town
It's hauntingly terrifying but still worth watching, both to see the brutality of nature but also will give you faith in humanity
It is in youtube
Fukushima was bigger than Chernobyl. They still are "leaking" radioactive water in the ocean.
😎 panabo and tagum city Philippines.