I can’t see any good coming out of a natural disaster. Can you? But can God? Frank’s answer includes the ripple effect (see his book “Stealing from God” for much more on why God allows evil).
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#FrankTurek #ProblemOfEvil #Apologetics
God bless
If we ever get to Mars will we ask why God allows gravity to be lower or the nights colder?
God behaves as if he was not even there but allowing some people to die in extreme suffering for no reason. I have invisible undetectible elves in my basement who also do not respond to prayers
A lotta rambling about extraneous stuff regarding moral evil when the question is natural!
So God would kill a baby just so an evangelist could pop up 500 years later? And this is the same God you tell us is "pro-life"?
Natural disasters occur because they are produced by nature. Geologists can easily ezplain earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides, avalanches, etc…Biologists can explain pandemics, meteorologists typhoons, etc…These things don't occur because of man's original sin. That's nonsensical and absurd. Even economic crashes cannot be chalked up to man's greed alone- they are complex social events.
Why doesn’t he send more Natural Disasters? That should be the question if we understand the greatness of our sin. Why has he let men live?
Why? Because he is Full of Grace and patient not wanting any to parish but all come to repentance.
He is just so he brings judgment slowly. Because he is Holy he must bring judgment. In his tempered judgment he uses Disasters to awaken some as he brings judgment upon some and takes some home to be with him.
In these tragedies some are saved. So Disasters are good, in that Judgement for sin is Good and Salvations through God’s tempered justice is Best.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
For those who reject the Grace of God in Christ it is tragedy but Just.
●Please stop calling natural disasters natural evil. Evil doesn't exist in a transcendent sense. But if you insist in calling a tornado evil, who created the tornado? I know man didn't created it.
●So christians are being prosecuted by natural disasters…….really. wait, he did say maybe.
●So Frank, this is a sin problem. We live in a fallen world because of Adam's sin.
Do you think natural disasters happened during the lives of the dinosaurs?
Did anyone else search for this because all the "thank God for this and thank God for that" during major natural disasters made no sense? Like "Thank god this collapsing house only killed 90% of its inhabitants" there has to be a line in where it becomes insulting to say "thank God" after a major disaster
Natural disasters make me want to believe in Hinduism more… there at least is an explanation for disasters
Any god that requires natural disasters is cruel
It's God's wrath
To be a Christian, do I have to believe in the creation story?
This is hard because his ways aren’t our ways. If a hurricane kills a reprobate sinner even if it’s our brother or sister there is rejoicing in heaven. If they go to hell there is rejoicing. So it is good. If a believer gets killed by the same hurricane and goes to heaven it’s the best day of there life. So that hurricane is good either way. It also is apart of a world that was made and called good by God.
Jesus taught us deeply about suffering. His brutal death brought a lot of good in the world.
Sometimes it's not obvious how disease or natural disasters can bring about good. But sometimes it is clear as day! Just look at all the STDs like HIV, it's simply punishment for sinning. STDs would not exist if it weren't for man's sin!
Think about all the people helping clean up after a hurricane disaster, and helping ppl and praying for ppl… that’s something good out of a natural disaster
Duhhh cause disasters are only bad for our systems like capitalism or wathever other ism…
Definitely didn’t get an answer nor at least something to make me not question it.
The Blood of the innocent shed in an ungodly land cries out for justice.
Nature revolts at immorality.
ie: devastating floods in pagan worshiping countries, India and they invite the devil to steal kill and destroy and continue to give worship and honour to the work of satan's hands.
Because we are a fallen race. Sin affects us and the world, universe. Plus, we are at the mercy of watchers in the heavens. Some are good, some aren't
It's hard to see the benefits of hurricane tornado tsunami flood earthquake volcano….
Free will causes evil and god doesn't want robots… but apparently we will have free will in heaven and there will be no evil. So God can make a place free from suffering and evil, which still gives us free will, and yet we get this contradictory answer.
Because your imaginary friend can't actually do anything.
Hilarious, a supposedly all-powerful deity, allows some bad things to happen because maybe it allows good things to happen, well if it is all-powerful, it could allow the good to happen without the bad.
God has done so much for us WHAT ELSA DO U WANt GOD TO DO.he’s the reason where alive it’s not only we need a break from bad things happening but god dose to. SO YOU SHOULD JUST appreciate what’s god has done. God dosent controll everything he dosent controll us we controll our selfs .He OR HER ,don’t controll natural deserters .no much he helps us all of this is our faults for example,pollution,trash,killing and eating animals ,abuse . SO DO NOT BLAME IT ON HIM.blame it on us.
I prayed intensely for my mother to be cured of pancreatic cancer. She died. But 25 years later my husband was supernaturally cured of stage IV metastatic melanoma. He saw his daughters graduate and grow up. He’s still with us in perfect health 18 yrs later.
Psalm 147 and many other psalms speak of God’s command over the weather.
Because their are not walking with God they want a blessing but don't want the blessed. I'm on that same boat of trying to overcome my own trials. I pray we all walk with God before it's too late
this was great!
Dr Turek is raising the bar of apologetics to an all new high.
GOD bless Dr. Turek with more wisdom
Satan also controls the weather… when given permission to. (Book of Job)
'cause there ain't none.
God cannot be bad, God is good, compassionate, kind, great. A god or goddess can't be wrong or the one who punishes others cannot be a god but an Executioner.
Let's not attribute such bad things to a great person whom we call god. A person can be called a god when he bears the quality of goodness in its entirety.
Natural disasters are caused by complex interactions of natural factors that are beyond our intervention.
If a person is slapping you, would you consider them as an act of god because his actions are initially out of your control?
Let us be practical and accept what is scientifically proven and not by the application of a bit (ripple effect) just because of seeing the compatibility in an interpretation.
Use science and let us not be blind followers of anything. Siddharta Gautama the founder of Buddhism said “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
I just got done explaining this to an atheist who claimed God is evil because He allows evil in the world. Even after I explained free will and sin, the atheist still tried to say God is evil because He doesn't stop evil. So I just reversed his logic on him and said since God allows good to exist He must be good.
Because Nature is God.
It’s a way to test our existence and keep the balance of live and death within the world.
It’s beautiful.
Answer is basically "idfk"
It's really pretty simple. God protected man until man chose to listen to Satan instead of God.
Great video
Why do Christians even call them natural disasters? Shouldn’t they call them something like: divine opportunities?
God doesn't allow them. He created them, and the worst is yet to come.
What kind of university would allow this guy to spread his superstitious nonsense? They should be ashamed