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Locals in northern St. Kitts reportedly experienced a hail storm this morning.
Videos and images of the reported rare weather phenomenon went viral on social media, identifying the area as The Tabernacle, Sadler’s Village, and Dieppe Bay.
In the video, a woman expressed her shock about the weather
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the St. Kitts Meteorological Service said they were investigating reports of hail in the north of the island, particularly Sadler’s and Tabernacle.
The St. Kitts Met Office is currently evaluating these reports and will provide an update once the investigation is complete.
Meanwhile, US meteorologist Brian Shields said today on his YouTube channel Mr. Weatherman uploaded his latest video titled Tropical Development on his April? I confirmed that it was hail. The weather forecast for St Kitts and Nevis this morning, April 6, calls for partly cloudy skies for the islands with light showers and thunder/lightning.
According to the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory, hail is a form of precipitation consisting of hard ice formed by updrafts from thunderstorms. Hail can damage planes, homes and vehicles, and kill livestock and people.
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