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#FailArmy #Fails
3:07 Good on the staff for not hucking it from across the room. It's actually part of the gimmick for that restaurant, hot rolls thrown at you from across the room. The place is Lambert's Cafe if anyone's in the ozark area.
At least half of these arnt fails…
2:24 are you walls made of paper in the US? wtf
2:40 3:40 wowzer!
Poor grandma
In other news, man tries to get to work in a boat on the freeway, during a drought.
5:08 – what is going on? Is she trying to propose to her on a boat?
That last girl needs a man in her life.
So he can open jars for her AND show her how bad life can really get…
Ughh, that last girl is annoying as fuck. Such an over dramatic attention whore 🤦🏼♂️
"Here comes the train"
RIP throat 😂
☝Беpём на заметку
Μалинoвый ликеp… Кoгда пpихoдят гocти, пpocят фиpменные ликеpы, хoть еcть пoкупные вина. Βcегда идет на "уpа".
Итак гoтoвим : в 3-литpoвую банку заcыпаем малину ( пo плечики ), дoбавляем 1 cтакан или 1,5 cахаpа, ждем паpу чаcoв, пoка пуcтит coк, заливаем вoдкoй пoчти дo гopлышка, закpываем капpoнoвoй кpышкoй и забываем на меcяц. Πoтoм пеpецеживаем , зoвем дpузей и наcлаждаемcя бoжеcтвенным напиткoм.
😊Πo этoму метoду делаю из вишен, клубники, абpикoc, cмopoдины, cлив, винoгpада.
6:23 That happens to all parents… but only once.
1:39 Wow! For once, the friends are worried about the person being okay (instead of laughing at the person).
1:39 Looks like he got a giant belt.
Oh my God
The real idiots are the ones that don't hold the phone sideways
Most of these aren't "fails".
Men: Oh my good are you ok?!?
Women: ha ha ha ha! He got hurt! Hahha ha ha ha!
2:40 anyone know her onlyfans?
Why do they insist on showing babies doing baby stuff? It's boring as hell.
The "HAHAHA" at the bottom ot the screen really makes it great.
6:24 😢
taking ice off a car is a fail? a tree falling down in a storm onto the driveway is a fail????
That jiggle at 3:39 was not a fail.
How was the ice on the truck a fail? Not everyone has a garage
im pretty sure it wasnt the truck that took the wrong turn. it was the same reason as always, the loose nut behind the steering wheel. we need to eliminate that nut.
I am so proud of all these Americans. Just being so open and honest with how stupid they are as a people. Seeing them get injured and hurt truly brings a smile to my face.
2:41 aauuuffff ^.^
3:32 good luck with that, you're gonna need it.
The monkey is so funny 😂🤣
Can you a fails of 2 years where you make fails of every 2 years! Start off with 2022-2023
5:53 that's what she said 😂😂😂
3:18 I thought the other barbell was some kind of crossfit obstacle she was going to jump