๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ American Road Rage, Bad Drivers, Instant Karma and Car Crash | New 2023 (546)

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ American Road Rage, Bad Drivers, Instant Karma and Car Crash  | New 2023 (546)
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About the Author: DDS TV


  1. Listening to the couple speaking to each other in clip 17 in a language I don't know…'Holy Shit' must not translate so it's said in English….lol

  2. # 7 does have the cojones to do that, donโ€™t know about the money cause the insurance will actually pay for it. This is why you have insurance but I have always wanted to do that but I always brake cause I donโ€™t want to mess up my trucks.

  3. 1:40 case and point why bicycles on the roadway is a hazard to everyone. Leave your kids toys at home, youโ€™re only causing everyone more problems, hassle, and endangering your own lives.

  4. Let's be real. Drivers of Chevy, Subaru, Nissan, BMW, Range Rover and Mercedes are the worst a$$hats on the road. Self implied privilege and or plain stupidity are the main factors or their degenerative behavior. Period.

  5. Awesome video! So happy to announce that I have gained financial freedom by investing in digital currency. Now I know that multi creation of various streams of income is the ideal Principle for financial sustainability.

  6. I owned a Nissan Maxima for a year before I donated it. And I can say they are the worst vehicle I ever owned or driven. The windows are angled so badly you really cannot see out the car very well. And anyone who drives one for any time with just become a bad driver. The cars are creating bad drivers.

  7. #2 – think of it this way, it's actually more satisfying that he didn't have an expensive car, because that instant karma he probably can't afford to pay for. Expensive cars wrecking? They can just go buy another, and in some situations even make bail.

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