5 Most BRUTAL Killers Reacting To A Death Sentence

5 Most BRUTAL Killers Reacting To A Death Sentence
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5 Killers Reacting To A Death Sentence

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  1. What is the point of all those judges giving these monsters a death sentence when in truth they should be saying "You will be sentenced to spend possibly 50 years or more in prison knowing that any day you will be executed until you are dead". For normal people that would be a nightmare knowing every day could be your last one, but for these murderers, I think it would be more the case that they would think more about the number of times their defence lawyers can use the over burden legal system to keep applying for a re-case that can take decades. What does anger me, though, is that the once barbaric public executions and corrupt legal system we had centuries ago has swung to being more concerned about the murderer than their victims. Little attention is given to the horror, pain, fear, violence, the knowing you are going to die, the years of your life taken from you that your murderer will most likely keep his until he dies of a natural death and the effect on the families and friends of the person murdered. As we are seeing in the UK, murderers are getting 25 years but because of over crowding and liberals siding with these monsters, many are out within 10 years and can carry on with their lives that they took and stop their victims having. We here in the UK and the USA have in my opinion become in away 'barbaric' in that our legal and liberals have created a society that does not actually carry out the act of barbarity, but they are in truth now the instigators of so many innocent people having barbaric acts on them. In the western world we need to swing the pendulum back to a time when we were not so concerned about murderers rights and their rehabilitation but more stringent deterrents to protect the innocent. Sadly, I don't see it ever happening, society will just continue as we are seeing in America to a total breakdown of law and order, where a point will come, we will return to a true world of barbarity that once existed centuries ago.

  2. States that don't allow the death penalty should pay for sentencing criminals to life in prison instead of US taxpayers having to support this trash!

  3. I’m from Ohio — first 40 years of my life. These kind of people are running amok all over and everywhere in Ohio. They’re probably all related to Jim Jordan somehow.

  4. Crazy how soft we've become when the Death penalty is being removed in more and more states by the year and is almost impossible to get these days. An eye for an eye only leaves half the world blind, The other half wises up and carries on grateful for still having 1 eye.

  5. I really hope that each of those men are executed and don't somehow get out of the death penalty – they deserve nothing less, justice for the victims deserves nothing less, justice for the families of the victims deserves nothing less.

  6. So if a car has a bad CPU chip, it would be dumb to throw away the entire car, right? Good engine, good seats, good frame, good everything except that little chip in the computer, which controls the engine. With a defective chip, the car accelerates randomly and is therefore unpredictable and dangerous. Throwing away the entire car would be really dumb, because 99.9% of the car is perfectly good, just that chip is bad. Now consider humans: 99.9% of these humans are good… a healthy heart, kidney, lungs, liver, etc. And even most of the brain is good… the parts that control balance, digestion, vision, hearing, language processing, speech, etc. are all good. It's just a tiny part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex, which is defective and turns these men into dangerous psychopathic murderers. If only there were a way to swap out or fix that part, like a bad chip in a car. But no, due to that tiny bit of bad brain matter, we gotta throw away the WHOLE person. If only there were a way to move the consciousness of one person into another, we could use the healthy bodies of people on death row. They could be hosts for people with damaged bodies, like cancer patients, burn victims, people with no legs, paraplegics, etc.

  7. What I don't understand is this: every time, it ends with "Defendant is currently awaiting execution", like how long does it take to execute a death sentence?! Why does it take so long, that makes zero sense to me. And I've heard that it's somehow more expensive to execute someone than to imprison them for life??? I dunno if that's true, but if it is then that defies ALL logic. Just shoot the guy!

  8. he Pike County Massacre, occurred on the night of April 21–22, 2016, when eight people – all belonging to the Rhoden family – were shot and killed in four homes

  9. It really irks me when murderers plead for their lives to be spared. Myers didn't think twice about killing poor Justin and didn't care about the pain he inflicted upon Justin's dear ones. But he wants now his life to be spared to avoid his family being hurt. You really couldn't make it up!

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