He Died, Went to Hell, Saw Hitler & What Comes Next Will Shock You – Part one Ep. 9

He Died, Went to Hell, Saw Hitler & What Comes Next Will Shock You - Part one Ep. 9
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Bryan Melvin, a self-described “militant atheist,” died from a contaminated drink that caused cholera. At first he heard a wonderful sound and a voice from someone who he instantly knew as God. But God told Bryan that he could not enter Heaven for reasons explained in this video. Instead, God sent Bryan to a place that the inhabitants initially described as “paradise.” But this wasn’t paradise, it was hell, and the deception of a homey veneer was soon exposed as a place so horrific that the mere mention of its surroundings could evoke terrible thoughts. Beings tried to devour Bryan as they clawed at him, but there was something Jesus had instructed Bryan to do in order to prevent his ultimate destruction. He viewed those who had been condemned to hell, people from the past – abusers, killers, even a preacher – and then he saw one of the most reviled persons in all of history, Adolf Hitler. What Bryan saw will shock you. But Bryan’s story ends with redemption, and hope. Watch this video and realize not only the horrors of hell, but the saving Grace of Jesus in offering tremendous hope to everyone who heeds the call of God’s Holy Spirit.
#Heaven, #Hell, #God, #BryanMelvin, #Hitler

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Part two of Bryan Melvin’s interview he went to heaven watch now https://youtu.be/8DeZ7h0bVXI

Bryan Melvin’s Book, A Land Unknown: Hell’s Dominion: https://amzn.to/3KzrFU7

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About the Author: Randy Kay


  1. I believe this and someone is trying to say that Hitler is in heaven that there are no mistakes, and I truly don’t believe they are correct. Other people are trying to say if you don’t have perfection on earth, Jesus will not save you, but the only qualification is totally just believing.

  2. The problem with this story is, the demons have no authority in hell what so eva, he made it sounds like the demons are escorting them to their cell, the demons and fallin angels are in hell cuz they decide to go with lucifer,but they have no authority in hell. That's why all this hell story is questionable, cuz they all say demons and fallin angel are torturing them.

  3. You gotta supplement this video if u take it in with doctrine and covenants 19.

    I think yall getting there for what we got and what God has offered to the world in our day. Yall graduating from Milk to Meat.

    In Matthew 13 the deciples ask Jesus why he speaks in parable and he answers for you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God and to them it is not. So don't shoot the messenger yall just compare what this man has revealed to what has been revealed.

    Then just do what u gotta do. Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve.

    How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

    Thank you for sharing your experience with the world.

  4. I was in hell in a dream and I saw hitler and a bunch of other people that were on earth as like dictators or whatever. It’s was one frame but the frame kept changing faces into all those people. It was actually tight, but a nigga couldn’t breathe for shit and it hurt down there, like a spiritual type pain, and it’s definitely glory down there, but not the good kind 😂😂😂

  5. Shalom my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Peace be to you.

    Have no fear.

    There is no pagan place called hell.

    This comes from a mind that is not perfect in love, a mind that is in fear.

    This place of fiction implies that we have a choice to make, that we have free will.

    We have no free will.

    Only attitudes of fear that provide a reprobate mind, an egocentric state of consciousness, believe that to be true.

    Al though there are various impediments to exercise one's choices, free will does not imply freedom of action.

    It doesn't take an intelligent man to understand that God can influence our choices and therefore nullifies free will.


    We hold no power over life and death.

    We have no control over fear.

    We cannot choose to either enter this world of fear and death or not.

    The Truth is something we learn by the guidance of God, it is never something carnally minded people will tell you.

    Is it not also known to you, that any that bring a message that involves fear is simply not from God.

    God will save everyone from a fearful consciousness.

    All in their own order.

    No exceptions.

    To God is all the glory.

  6. No one can come back from Hell. You may have had this experience, but you have interpreted it incorrectly. The only way out of Hell is for your Spirit to be killed in the Waters of Death and you lose your Soul. Your flesh can not live without a Spirit. So your story has serious holes in it.

  7. Yes,yes he is on the $$! While coming to Christ I was searching everything on YouTube and almost all the NDE stories say same thing! All I felt was pure love,seen all my relatives,there is no judgement just pure love!! A guy has a similar experience to Brian's,,Australian I believe who was stung by a jelly fish and died and met Jesus! Love these testimonies!

  8. I will say this, the ones that he does describe, all sound like they deserved to be there sadly. Being kind and doing the right thing comes natural, you have to work at being mean and evil.

  9. I thought satan is in hell im confused 😕 he is the king in hell the ruler now he ain't huhhh ????? 🤔 thats what we all know and in the bible he is in hell and owns it and demons

  10. You don't describe a person who has come back to life. The body goes through a change and only a person who really died can explain what happens when body comes back into the body. I don't know what you experienced but it death.

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