From catching a cheater to communicating with loved ones who have passed…psychics can do it all!
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Anyone has any updates on any of these missing people? 😢
Shame on these “psychics,” leading vulnerable, grieving people on like that. I don’t think they have any idea what they’re talking about. They’re just telling the families what they want to hear.
Why is this in an asmr playlists
Prayers 🙏 🙏 🙏
This reminds me of my little brother who's was gun down back in March of 2015 8 years he has been gone away and It hurt so much that he is not around physically anymore 😭😢💔 so my ❤️ goes out to those who have lost 💕 ones I 🙏 daily God keep us strong and strength amen 🤲
I wonder who is the psychic 🫠
She got Uno reversed
Lakira went messing on my bday🥺 I really hope they found justice for her .
I wouldn't never want to be in any of thrse moms shoes. To lose your child and not knowing what happened to your child is heartbreaking.😮🙄🤑😭🇯🇲
I lost my son, too it's been 13 years, and it feels like it was yesterday. I miss him every day, and my heart hurts for him. time does not heal all wounds. Sometimes, I miss him so much all I can do is cry he was my first baby
That's it for DNA Maury 😆 Everybody now going to psychics….
She planned the baby?
So sad that his life was “tooken” away: 🎉
That first case 😂😂😂
Whoever the psychic reader was they were beyond correct on this first one she may call it Hocus pocus but run off the stage looking crazy. I hope they tip those psychic every bit of 500 just for the correct predictions. But it seems like they're too cheap. But I wish the best no child deserves to be without a Dad
The first young lady needs help Reader was on point . 😢I’m also sad for the young man who was hoping for baby to be his why are the Drama mama sister duo of idiocracy Those two ladies need to grow up instead of tantrum toddlers
This was so hard to watch. I can't stop crying for these poor families. I lost a lot of good friends, and the pain never stops, but it does get easier with time. For these families, don't give up, and please, stay strong and keep looking for your loved ones! You will all be in my prayers.
I lived off of Highway 80 and coming out Alabama into Selma Alabama I live not too far from Selma I had lived in Camden Alabama Camden and Demopolis Alabama
I know Montgomery Alabama
This makes no sense how evil is this world, no parent should have to go through this
I gave up watching the video as soon as i heard her scream
psychic is ah fake she want to know who did it name the person who did it
Mmm the things that were done to those women ……😏
No idea why im watching this lol I dont believe in this bs
what a lying sack of crap taking advantage of these grieving folks
Prayers 🙏 for all the missing people and families!
If they have cttv camera footage use it.
The poor kids who got shot in the park it's awful – 😢 prayers 🙏 for the families
My nephew does not look like my brother — he is too tall. Etc
The psychic was telling the truth
Can we have updates on these cases please Maury. This was so sad💔😢
Love these uploads, gonna miss the Maury Show ❤
The family is annoying 😂
it was the crystal ball edit for me 😂😂😂
Way too many adverts😢2 in the first 8 minutes, like seriously
All of these people are currently still missing and it’s actually pretty sad .