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this guy almost died in a motorcycle accident 😱😱
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About the Author: Shih Tzus are the Best
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Oi fofura ❤❤
My shihTzu is the same color but no white❤
Super cute 😍 I have an identical pup, just like yours, he's 2months old. Could you tell me more about their color type please?
Best dogs ever ❤️
Too cute, but please cut the hair away from his/or eyes? Love it!
Precious 💕 🐕🐾
My sweet boy as a puppy ❤️🐾
Shih Tzus are the best, smart and so friendly.
I want puppy kisses!
A doll baby!!!
Have 2 Shi Tzus…they are the best!
Awww so cute ❤
OMG he or she is SUPER cUtE
Awww love him / her
This is a very cute