The heavy rainfall has caused rivers and canals to overflow, leading to road closures and traffic disruptions. Emergency services are working around the clock to clear the roads and provide assistance to those affected.
Florida, USA is currently facing severe weather conditions with heavy rainfall leading to flooding in several parts of the state. The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for several areas including Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.
Residents are being advised to stay indoors and avoid driving through flooded areas as it can be dangerous. The state authorities are urging people to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their property.
The impact of the heavy rain and flooding is also being felt in the agriculture sector, with many crops being destroyed due to the excessive water. The state’s tourism industry has also been affected as several popular tourist spots have been forced to close due to the weather conditions.
Florida is no stranger to extreme weather events, and the state is well-equipped to handle such situations. However, the severity and frequency of such events are increasing, and it is essential for authorities to take necessary steps to mitigate their impact.
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Definitely not U.S. plates
Boro iya boro nawar air mineral nya aja ayo minum
Ажаб бўлсин
По делом вам знайте что все недружеские страны страдают потому что бог был и будет на стороне России
Смерть сатанистом.
Янки , это не ваша земля, у вас нет ни роду не племени сборная солянка.
porque o espanto? Suiça faz parte do mundo e os fenômenos é para o mundo
😲😲😲 que horror, que desastre!!😢😢😢
So dumb! I live in Florida. This is just a good storm…
Joelhos no chao populacao na igreija samtissimo tem poder forca jesus Maria foram ofendidos fee terco perdao
Siii…El tiempo del fin ya está muy próximo, Ho ya lo empezamos a vivir , al tiempo del .Armagedon. pronto se termina .TODO. abrazos gente.!!!
can you talk slower please. didnt understand one word
Those are not US license plates
Класс. Господи уничтож же эту страну нечести
They had 26 inches of rain in Ft Lauderdale FL on April 13
Ninguém tá nem ligando .o mundo tá acabando tudo a conteste vocão tornada tremor de terra grandes chuvas tempestades muitas coisas triste .Deus tem misericórdia do mundo 🙏
It's not in Florida USA !
Jesus Cristo em breve voltará
H. A. A. R. P. Climate engineering.. did it again…. 👀🇺🇸🖖💜
Tudo isso e muito mais é sinal que JESUS CRISTO ESTÁ VOLTANDO vamos nós preparar.
Америка всегда хочет Войны! Получите !!!
Земля своим неразумным детям объясняет как надо жить…без злобы
Your English is not very clear
Come through God. 🤷🏾♀️ couldn't happen too a more hateful place.
Ну всегда были природные катаклизьмы, но с каждым годом они становятся более агрессивными, разрушительными. Храни всех добрых людей ГОСПОДЬ!!!! С НАСТУПАЮЩИМ ВЕЛИКИМ ПРАЗДНИКОМ ВОСКРЕСЕНИЯ ГОСПОДНЯ. ДАЙ БОГ ВСЕМ ЗДОРОВЬЯ И МИРА, ХВАТИТ ЗЛА, ЖЕСТОКОСТИ.
Isaiah 28:2
“Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of HAIL
and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast
down to the earth with the hand.” REPENT now and turn your face back to
GOD through putting all your faith & trust in the Son of GOD whom GOD sent
Seek the Lord Jesus Christ for remission of sins, believe with all your heart
in the life, death & resurrection, believe in the Gospel of Salvation, be born
again in Christ & be saved to everlasting life. 🕊🙏❤🎺
1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4, ROMANS 10:8-10 & ACTS 2:38 This is the Gospel of
Christ. ✨🪔🎺🤴
I have commented 2 years and I still confirm that I solved the global warming problem.
From what I have researched and analyzed The violence is increasing than it has been every year.
UN approves me to solve global warming problem, I will fix the problem ASAP. There is enough information I have to prove to everyone that scientific approaches and solutions to global warming can be restored to normal..
У многих людей все внимание сконцентрировано на геополитике , а в это время над всем человечеством нависла угроза климатического апокалипсиса.!! Наш корабль тонет, а мы вместо того, чтобы объединиться по человечески ,по дружески и починить его, стоим и смотрим, кто победит в драке. Наше человечество суицидальное , не работают даже инстинкты самосохранения!!! Люди давайте объединяться , присоединяйтесь к проекту созидательное общество!!
Those car plate numbers don't look from the USA.
Одни и теже кадры, видео по всем странам гуляют
The wrath of GOD is coming to the ungodly, idolaters and wicked people! Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Jprdl kiedy skończą z tą ingerencją w pogodę…masakra!
Vom Winter in den Herbst ob der Sommer weggefegt wird?
Ich würde der Erde endlich mal Respekt zollen.
Планета Земля уже устала от людей вообще.😢
Dios ponga se mano y libre a ese estado que no haga mucho daño y pase rápido dios está vivo y la gente lo sabe .amén👃👃👃👃👃👃👃👃♥️