From a scary sighting of a possible ghost caught on camera to a creepy video of a mysterious figure running across the road, can you explain these scary sightings caught on camera? #Scary #Creepy #SlappedHam
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8. menbsafe https://www.tiktok.com/@menbsafe/video/7215863099788676394
7. Corre prra correeeee https://twitter.com/SitioParanormal/status/1637592284341637123
6. 2019 Took these 3 photos seconds apart in empty room at Conwy Castle… https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/123eszh/2019_took_these_3_photos_seconds_apart_in_empty/
5. sofiamiranda909 https://www.tiktok.com/@sofiamiranda909/video/7053862153249393926
4. xDDD OLVVVV https://twitter.com/SitioParanormal/status/1640456909848473601
Murat Yalcin Yalman
3. A couple from Kansas, USA was driving home from vacation when this mysterious creature… https://twitter.com/IHuntUFOs/status/1640573495502589952
2. Figura brumosa fue grabada por una camara de seguridad https://www.tiktok.com/@lahuelladelterror/video/7200518759868599558
1. Le’Ann Knott’Soo Patt https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3420989668122359
Apprehension – Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100327
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
The photo at Conway Castle is just a Japanese tourist with a camera 😂
Miss abergail must understand she is dead.
That one video of the guys walking around outside and hear that weird noise then see the eyes in the rock…it's actually an animal called The Great Potoo!
Look them up. They sound just like that and have very large eyes. They are native to South and Central America.
The ghost 👻 running across the street in front of the car, could be a dead sprinter from a time when that area was were they held sport games and this sprinter 🏃♂️ is still running his race.
I'd like a figure like an alien 👽 gray, plus my hair, lol 😆 then I'd be thin again. 😅
I’m going to be boring here and make a mundane theory about the creature in the video from Turkey: it’s a gray animal like a fox or a coyote.
The camera is looking at the top of its head and the ‘eyes’ are really two dark spots at the end of the animals ears. That’s why they look fuzzy and kinda brownish; they’re just darker tuffs of fur
A little boring I know lol
If that security guard quit THAT very night, I’d believe him……
… glimpses into other dimensions
Hi kallen its me zarahbeth,,here's my new account the old one has been hacked..
I think the first one was faked fer sure
it's truly bizarre🤔😝
Good job
As a security officer myself, i too have seen and heard strange events take place. Many locals i met while on duty at a night club have told me of their experiences they have had from unseen forces, from moving objects to being touched and scratched. 1 patron told me he saw all the cubical doors in the mens room open all at once and slammed straight after. I myself have seen what looks like a red skull on a scan tech device ( scans licenses ) while testing its functions before my night shift. I was down in the night club in front of stairs that only staff had access to and from the bar to the main dance room. The staff always tapped my shoulder to let me know they were passing through, well i felt that same tap to only see that no one was there and the door at the top was still closed. The staff told me there was only 1 other that used the stairs. The red man.
8:49 Squirrel(s) trapped inside the pocket.
Showing LOVE for my absolute FAVORITE channel period. I'm actually having to catch up on here I've missed several videos so the wifey and I are having a great date watching Slapped . Have a Blessed Day Everyone
4. It is surely an owlet in the crack of the rock (nesting there). The sound is a warning sound. Not an alien!
14.13 he has a tail, not 100% human I think 😅 his feet are long and he has long fingers. look like he /her do a bit of shape-shifting let's try to watch very slowly look ( are they skin waker?) Have long neck? Don know why not see clearly,15.37 look like woman on a bike a ghost?
3.03 we do have a lot of people out here around the earth who can see the ghost as well and some can see because their 3rd eyes are unlocked and can have the same abilities or different abilities and that was true, if she not tell the cop he still can see a ghost better to let he be and told him after he finished talking 😂 4.12 hard to believe he ? have any sixth sense as all he easy to get killed if some bad person comes behind easy to get so close to the neck 😢,
Good day!
I absolutely love your page….and watch everything you do. However, would it be possible to remove or drastically turn down the volume on the "spooky" music in your audio mix? This is especially distracting when we're supposed to be listening to audio clips for EVPs and "unidentified creature" sounds.
Just a suggestion, man.
Thank you.
yeah its fake af
The figure running across the highway, if played at the slowest playback speed available, 0.25x, then pausing so that you could hit play then pause again in rapid secession so a fraction of a second passes before the image freezes again, on a few occasions from one frame to the next frame some milliseconds away, the figures body position moves multiple times. Much faster than an average human, even one who may be amped up. Not only that, the normal alternating arm to leg swing a person would exhibit during a run, and even when walking, is not exhibited and thus would hinder center of gravity and balance. Something that this thing isn't showing signs of being affected by. Personally, while many clips similar to this are often human, I think this may be something anomalous. Strange.
Hoboken New Jersey 13:04 🛸👽👾
So many influx of security personnel talking to invisible people like it's some TikTok trend or something.
That hanging long-sleeve shirt looks for like a pair of legs, with the feet pushing outward. At one point, it looks like it is a person who just got hung and is struggling at the end. Creepy.
Excellent Kallen.. you find the best everytime!
Funny how everything is blowing in the breeze but not the jacket that has the hands clawing at it
Adobe After effects morons 😅
Number 3 where the thing took2 steps and it had crossed the road. Wow that's weird.
The "crypted" that ran across the road, it only took 2 steps to get across.
Security one is fake. Bad acting.
The thumbnail to this video looks just like one of those slow-children-playing signs, so, yes l can explain that one!!
Around 19:00 a "ghost" is appearing, walks for a little while, and then disappears again.
I'm very happy to buy in on the " optical illusion" thingy, if You can explain to Me how such an optical illusion would come to be ?
15:40 Definitely a person on a bicycle. Crap night time cameras are the main blame. The person is only clearly visible when the car's headlights shine on them. It's blurry at the bottom because the bicycle wheels and their legs are moving. The appear and disappear as the cameras are unable to detect them against a non-descript background and poor lighting. It does look cool, though.
First, thank you for all the entertaining videos…. now, regarding the video at around the 14:00 mark with the figure running across in front of the car…..it looks like the car didn't slow down at all….yes the figure came out of nowhere moving at a good pace, but every driver out there would hit the brakes when anything or one run out in front of them…..have to call fake on this one…..
@Slapped Ham Emily is strange is an abusive mod
I worked graveyard shift at a resort…haunted as hell…I believe what I saw!!
Sorry but castle pics are fake, why would you take 3 quick pics of an empty alcove?
You are well and truly spoiling us with these consistent uploads. Thanks for splashing out all these interesting compilations.
For me, it honestly looks like the clip at 3:50 shows genuine poltergeist activity… Pretty creepy…
In the clip at 13:54, that's either a person or a ghost running across the road…
And the clip at 13:16, that, in my eyes, shows a ghost. The fact that the figure seems to appear out of nowhere and disappears into this air makes makes me think that it's a ghost… That's creepy…
5:49 wow holy shit you discovered an ASIAN TOURIST!
Did anybody hear the creepy laughing in the background at 3:52… when the jacket was moving… alittle creeeepppyyy🥴
The Pink jacket thing is purely wrinkles in the jacket being moved by the wind. Once you see that happen, you can't unsee it.
If you go looking for something and you have found it then you should not run away if you are afraid then you should not start it. Greeting form Netherlands. 😊
Hey Kallen. Great video. You got any ham? I have ran out.
First off, ghosts can't communicate like humans do, people can tell the difference between a spirit and a human in the flesh.
I believe the guard one was staged
With the jacket clip, you can see there is 2 creases running up and down the jacket. When the wind fills the jacket, you can see the crease being filled with air. When not paying attention to the crease, it creates an illusion of hands or something moving up and down