In this chilling video, a ghostly presence is captured on camera in a lady’s attic. The footage is truly terrifying, as the ghost appears to be lurking in the shadows and making strange noises. The lady who lives in the house has reported numerous paranormal occurrences, and this footage provides the clearest evidence yet of the ghostly presence in her home. As the video progresses, the ghost becomes more and more active, causing objects to move and doors to creak. The lady is clearly frightened and can be heard screaming in fear. This is not a friendly ghost, and it is clear that the lady’s attic is not a safe place to be. This video is not for the faint of heart and is sure to send chills down your spine.
لماذا ارسلت لي الفيديو في منتصف الليل ؟🙈🙈🙈
Bad actress
Camiona qlia ctm
I'm sorry, these are not scarry videos.
Sure walks up those stairs pretty quickly for someone who is terrified of a random knocking she's investigating. 🙄
T got in thru the window it looks like the Rake spider crawler 😱
No it's fake they have the lights all off. Why is she walking around her house with a cell phone camera flashlight?
Can anyone tell me why people ALWAYS have their camera out and film every moment of their lives?
I'm just here wishing I had an attic or room that size! 😂
now if that weren't just a friend in a skin-tight suit.. that house is burning GET THE NAPALM!
In this fake video .😅
I'm sorry if that was in my place and I heard someone walking in my attic I wouldn't go hmm maybe I should go check that out no my ass would be never going back in that fucking house again until there was an exorcism or something cleanse that bitch people are weird dude
Esqueceu de pagar a conta de energia é???kkkkkk
OMG I had to watch it a few times but I seen it, it's scary for real, me n her have the same shower curtain…. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What was it, I ain't see nuttin…
A woman ?!? Whattttttt
Is Lizzo up there banging for food
I'm telling you if you are in my house uninvited I gots to do you. You become a permanent resident until the coroner or God picks you up
Does it have to be with this filter
She saw something, but I couldn’t make it out. It wasn’t clear, which made it not scary.
That did not sound like acting to me aye
Why is she checking herself out in the mirror with a flashlight enabled with all the lights off in the house and then when she approaches the attic door she increases the hysterical panic labor breathing. Ughhhhh This one was actually quite comical because it was so bad
How come her flashlight is already on idk I'm skeptical
Fake af
Bro the more you keep posting these fake vids. It’s making your channel less authentic and fake. Post real videos and not these CGI fake videos at this point I’m unsubscribing after 1 more fake vid
She's playing pretend to be a man so she can solve her own problems.
The 👻 was done with their 32 oz of Carta Blanca wanted another one
Looks fake