In Serbia, many people abandon puppies everywhere. Meda is happy to have a new home with a wonderful family. Thank you!
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Dog Rescue Shelter is non-profit, non-governmental rescue organization registered in Serbia. Our shelter located in Mladenovac is largest no-kill animal shelter.
Registration number: 28291248
#DogRescueShelter #PuppyRescue
Que HP, el que lo abandona
Thank god he have a home now.
What a handsome gentleman. Thank you for saving this precious soul.
Gracias, gracias, gracias por ayudarlo.
I can't understand why the owner didn't bring him when your open during the day, that's so cruel, poor darling on its own over night, hope he goes to a loving home he is beautiful, I would take him easily so cute.
So glad he found a loving family.
Thankyou for all your efforts in rehoming these animals.
I wish people would take more time to consider having a pet.
It took 2yrs to take on my cat, no regrets and oh so very prepared ❤
What an adorable little cutie! 😚 I would have loved to adopt him. Thank God he got a good home.
The owners are scum people, hope they have bad luck every single day, they to lazy to bring the animal to the shelter, bad people, glad someone took him in there home, god bless the new owners, 🙏👌
Previous owner is a callous skumbag.
Que Deus continue abençoando e protegendo muito o Meda, sua nova família e o Dog Rescue Shelter.🙏🏼🙏🏼💕
So cute.
Situations can change rapidly….people can become homeless or have to go to military….or get married and spouse doesn't want the puppy.
At least he put it in a box by the building and it didn't look freezing. The shelter found a another home so it went well.
The people that make me mad are the ones that get rid of the puppy because it grew up and isn't " cute" any more.
Bless that little doggie.
I felt so sorry for him when I heard "he didn't move from his box all night ".
My heart sank.But he has a forever home now ,so happy days!
How could anyone do this?? It was so heartbreaking. Now to see this dog so happy, I actually cried happy tears. To find this puppy was to find a best friend for life. 💛
He looks like a little trouble maker. 👹
Deus o senhor tem que proteger essas vidas inocentes.🐾😢🙏🏻
Sem comentários para o que esse homem fez👎😡
Poor pup what a scummy so-called human being 🤬
He knows that, that’s why he moved to Maralago!
Much thanks ❤ All you do to help these beautiful animals is so very much appreciate!😊
Hello Milan, thank you for saving this beautiful puppy, and for giving it such a wonderful new home. You are amazing! I will send a donation today 🤗⭐️🙏👍👏😊
It is the cutest dog
Another example of why we don’t deserve them. Thank God this one was saved.
At least he was left in front of the shelter. The owner did care. Now, he has found a wonderful family who love dogs. ❤️
I don't know how you could have found him in the middle of nowhere. Thank you. He certainly is happy now.
What a coward running away like that. People like that should be banned from keeping animals for life!!! 🤬🤬🤬
Great thanks for rescue the small puppy and all other dogs in need, you're wonderful great hurts ❤️ people, blessings 🙏🐾🐾💕
I watch these videos and how do we know these aren't fake for the reason I say that is the video tape in the guy dropping the dog off and it doesn't say he was dropped off at a shelter or in front of the shelter now if I was videotaping that I would go out and get that dog right then and there now I understand they could recreate this video but they should say it's a re-creation cuz I think everybody does these videos to pull out our Heartstrings and to get money now I'm all for giving money believe me but sometimes I wonder about these videos when they're taking videos of the dog being dropped off and they don't go get it right then and there
The fact that he stayed in the box all night and didn't move kills me. Was he waiting for that man to come back ? 😢
Humans can be absolute monsters, and it’s so disgusting! They should be put behind bars for life!!!😡🤬
There are ppl in this world are genuine heroes and both of u are well done for saving this beautiful doggie
I hate your country
He's adorable. Who could do this
You fkn cnt btch CHOMO ah, slob, cruel inhumane fggt
This was bad to begin with but what would have happened if that beautiful baby had wondered off.KARMA WILL COME TO HIM EVENTUALLY. 😭😭 .LOTS OF LOVE LITTLE ONE .😘😘😘😘
Honestly I'm glad the man had enough compassion to bring the dog to the shelter. He did the right thing. He was embarrassed so he did it at night. We have to encourage people to do the right thing. That's what shelters are for. ☮️ and ❤
Can't understand why people do that glad the little dog is safe now