What is a ferret? Do you want to learn more about ferrets? Watch this video!
🚨 The Best Ferret CAGE→ https://geni.us/ferret-nation-cage-182
🐟 FAVORITE Salmon Oil TREAT→ https://geni.us/grizzly-salmon-oil
Have you ever wondered what a ferret is? Is a ferret a rodent? Do ferrets bite? Do ferrets smell bad? Do ferrets stink? How much to buy a ferret? Should I get a ferret? Today I go over all your most frequently asked questions about ferrets from beginners.
🎬How to reduce ferret odor → https://youtu.be/o0Rz9o1H-ek
🎬What should I BUY→ https://youtu.be/d2xLG2xzg4A
🎬Why does my ferret BITE me → https://youtu.be/542OLrZ-M94
DISCLAIMER: While this video was not sponsored, it does contain affiliate links that may give me a small commission, which helps me continue making these videos! Thank you for your support ❤
🏡 Ferret Nation CAGE→ https://geni.us/ferret-nation-cage-182
🍗 Recommended FOOD→ https://amzn.to/3hnmdty
💧 No Spill WATER Bowl → https://geni.us/automatic-food-bowl
💩 Low LITTER Tray (24″) → https://geni.us/low-litter-tray-24in
🎱 Sphero Mini REMOTE Ball → https://geni.us/sphero-mini-ball
💨 Air ODOR Purifier → https://geni.us/germ-guardian-filter
🌎 Ferret Travel CARRIER → https://geni.us/pet-carrier
🎒 Ferret BACKPACK→ https://geni.us/cat-backpack-expanded
🥩 CarnivoreCare EMERGENCY Nutrition → https://geni.us/oxbow-carnivore-crit
🧱 Ferret GATE → https://geni.us/midwest-ferret-gate
💜 Ferret First Aid Kit → https://www.amazon.com/shop/themodernferret?listId=OUECD4TDXVRJ&ref=inf_list_own_themodernferret_cp
💎 UPDATED Favorite Ferret Products → https://www.amazon.com/shop/themodernferret
0:00 – Introduction
0:27 – What is a ferret?
1:10 – Are ferrets rodents?
2:45 – What do ferrets eat?
4:14 – How big do ferrets get?
5:14 – What is my ferrets gender?
6:08 – How long do ferrets live?
6:56 – How many ferrets does The Modern Ferret have?
7:28 – Are ferrets intelligent?
9:18 – Are ferrets trainable?
11:17 – Do ferrets stink?
13:17 – How much does a ferret cost?
13:53 – What do I need to buy for a ferret?
14:22 – What are the health vet needs of a ferret?
14:42 – Am I ready for a ferret??
15:54 – Let’s Recap!
To replay on What is a Ferret : https://youtu.be/ICeJFDvVq2U
🎓FERRET MERCH STORE → https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheModernFerret
📸INSTAGRAM → http://instagram.com/themodernferret
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@The Modern Ferret is a YouTube channel dedicated to creating entertaining and educational ferret videos.
To learn more about The Modern Ferret check out https://www.themodernferret.com/
📫BUSINESS INQUIRIES → hello@themodernferret.com
#Ferrets #Ferret101 #ferretcare
▶ UPDATED Recommended Ferret Products: https://www.amazon.com/shop/themodernferret AND merch shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheModernFerret
I recently started working at locally owned pet store. Not that we sell ferrets, but we get asked A LOT of questions about ferrets, cages, food and other various questions. Thank you so much for explaining and informing me!! From Ohio 🇺🇸
Ferrets DO NOT look like rats!!!
Stopped watching after I heard the words 'pound' and 'inch'.
keep kissing it lol
I know dogs are classed as carnivores but they are really somewhat omnivorous.
They eat berries, grains and fruits in the wild as well as meats.
Its just that their main diet is meat based.
hi, love your video!
where did you get tubes for the labyrinth in the background?
We also give him "stations of engagement" throughout the house, boxes, bags full of toys that we steal back from him which gives him a job to put them all back…he sleeps well after his busy night.
I give my Ferret applesauce is that okay?
My Hecate died at 12yrs.
I've a friend whose ferret lived to 21
From the UK
Google Hecate the ferret.
She was a sorceress who changed herself into a ferret to hyponotise men…
Ferrets look nothing like rats . They will kill rats given half a chance .
Do ferrets need a cage? Can’t you just let them free roam around your apartment like a cat?
I love watching you in your videos .. and great info to boot !!
do a colab video
My friend kept ferrets, they used to torment his dog. Give him a nip then run and hide
I do not want to watch any more video's from you because I will absolutely get a crush on you
What happened to your ferret happened to my female ferret. She was a about 4 and passed away due to insulinoma.
My Ferrets, Speedy and Tricksy were a year apart and lived to 13 and 14 years. Speedy (the older of the two) passed and Tricksy went a few months later, I think from depression. I got them from a pet store. So life spans, really are just how well you care for them. Plus….I wouldn't keep ferrets and cats at the same time. Most illnesses (pet)ferrets can get are actually from house cats and especially from cats you let in and out of the house.
Ferrets are wonderful pets. First off they play like they are a kit their whole life. Second it is easier to take care of 2 or3 then just one. Third thing to know is Ferrets will get along with cats and dogs. Our cats slept in the cage with the ferrets and they all slept together on a hammock inside a 4 story cage. You need a play pen for your ferrets. Learn the toys ferrets like, dryer vent tubing is very handy for them. Watch videos on YouTube, call a local ferret rescue and ask if you can visit with the ferrets. Remember a ferret is NOT a rodent it is a meat eater just like your dog and cat. After touching meat wash your hands before playing with your ferrets. You will forget this and the ferret will remind you. Sometimes these guys smell meat and they bite. I have been bitten by a ferret because I was dumb. Enjoy your ferrets I know you will. Find a ferret vet before you get ferrets.