"FAIR" street fight? NO SUCH THING.

"FAIR" street fight? NO SUCH THING.
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About the Author: The Mississippi Superman


  1. So sweet how he would help his little friend who can’t or won’t defend himself .Unless two on one or more then it’s on!

  2. Definitely no fair in a street fight but if you swing on someone who doesn’t know it’s coming, your a pussy point blank.
    Also let your friends handle their own business unless it’s an unfair fight like 2 against one.

  3. Facts! I had got into a one on one, or so I thought it was, I’m not going lie, the guy did not know he was biting more than he can chew, I got him good, he started to back up, I was able to throw him on the floor, I was going for the headlock, his friends tripped me and jumped me. All I can do is take cover.

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