Worst Games Ever – Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

Worst Games Ever - Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai
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Ray Mears. Bear Grylls. Leo DiCaprio in The Revenant. All AMATEURS, compared to Chad Gandam, the wolf-taming, plane-crashing master of survival.

Presenters: Peter Austin (@ThatPeterAustin) & Ben Potter (@Confused_Dude)
Video Editor: Ciaran Henry

Thank you to Andrej for sending us this game!

#CabelasSurvival #ShadowsOfKatmai #WorstGamesEver


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  1. I suspect the screen tearing issue is less due to capture issues and moreso due to you playing a 7th gen game, specifically PS3/360. A lot of early and even mid-gen games on those consoles infamously are filled with screen tearing!

  2. These gender identification based jokes are so dated. Making comments about the self identification of inanimate objects is such regressive crap. You are validating every conservative "I identify as an attack helicopter" joke used to attack transpeople. It's just thoughtless and gross and it's really frustrating that this is a comedy bit that is still in their rotation more than half a decade since they started using it.

  3. I had this on the Wii and beat it, I have a vaguely traumatic memory involving a certain scene in a crashed ship or something where the game wouldn't let me progress for like two hours

  4. Wouldn't it be a fun twist if the Dr. really did turn out to be the deer headed spirit, and the flight had been chartered just to trap this guy into a survival/death game in the wilderness? It would certainly explain how there are 50+ wolves constantly swarming in the post crash sequence.

  5. True story: My relationship with the love of my life had just ended. I had moved out of her house and into a lonely apartment. I was coming "home" from work every day and mostly just drinking and crying.

    Somehow, in the midst of this misery, I happened on this game, dirt-cheap, and bought it for my Xbox 360. I still don't know why; I'm not a hunting enthusiast and have never had the slightest interest in anything Cabela's. Nonetheless, it was one of the first games I beat in this apartment.

    I'm not saying it helped my emotional state in any way. I'm just illustrating the state of mind one probably needs to be in, to see this game through to its end credits.

  6. This game must have gotten no advertisement because I purchased every hunting game for this franchise and I liked every one of them but I've never even heard of this game or even knew this one existed and I'm kind of glad I did not even know

  7. This game definitely belongs here. Jesus Christ. Also that yodel was very nostalgic. It used to turn up regularly on a kids show here in New Zealand, (I think it was a doorbell.)

  8. This game is more realistic than u guys pretend. There are 3 dead mooses: one for each human, and the dog gets 1. There is no shot of bringing the moosii back to the cabin, because you eat the moose on the journey back. And you eat the sick hunters portion, to regurgitate later, to save carrying trouble. This is how hunting works IRL. You key fobs wouldn't understand because guns are illegal in England. This game is exactly how EVERY hunting trip works in god damn America. 1 moose per person per day is how it works. You hunt hard, so you eat hard. There is no fish + chips shops in Alaska.

  9. Love the content been a fan for years just not a patreon because I'm always skint. But any chance you can make the episodes like 40 mins or more pls 🥺

  10. Fun fact: Dr. West is the daughter of "ReAnimator"s Dr. Herbert West, and she is flying a bunch of zombie heads from Haiti so that they can cunnilingus her at home, just like in the movie. (Citation not needed)

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