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In this video we are talking about a huge blast of cold air that’s coming in to cause a huge mess over our weather pattern over the next week and a half or so…
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Tuesday Weather Tango: 0:00
Wednesday Weather Woes: 1:11
Thursday Severe Weather: 1:52
Weekend Cold: 4:15
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Please refer to your local National Weather Service office to get the most reliable and up to date weather information as possible.
Okay here in southeast wisconsin we should be in the upper 50s to low 60s for this time of year not upper 30s! I pray this will be the final cold blast and will go away soon! Looking for a warm late spring!
Does this cool weather mean less of a chance for an active hurricane season?
havent seen your videos for awhile are you coming back
I sure didn't expect what's happening here in south Texas today, inch hail 😳 and heavy heavy rain .
Weather Channel, take notes…
Very nice 💯
Thanks Ryan
Half of of this video didn't have dates or time stamps… not fussing just giving feedback. I came back to video to see if this storm had passed.
Thank you to you and your team, Ryan! Love your thorough forecasts for the week. ❤
Nice video
"Curved noodles and more likely to produce Danger noodles."
Brilliant 👍
Ryan makes me feel 100% prepared for these storms🎉
Cold in morning hot in afternoon isn’t that how it has already been anyway
I have a weather alert radio but like to get the wind speed device.and a great job you are doing.keep it up.
Ah Ryan new storm this weekend get some more information on this thing I'm tracking it right now
Very very wonderful
Its very easy to say taht
Here in Oz a "Danger Noodle" is a snake. 😂 a tornado can be one too but I keep seeing snakes in your hodograph
Been watching you since I lived in So Cal, followed you as I was in Montana, then crazy watched when I was in Nashville TN (I hate tornadoes) but moved here to Idaho – im a travel nurse – and I just gotta still. Long time subscriber and still love the content man. Started watching for the snow, chasing good snowboarding, kept watching for the tornadoes, and now man! The relief effort you guys are tossing out is sooo freaking awesome man! Keep up the good work
It’s just dogwood winter in East Tennessee
WTF? Happened to the heat? Somebody turn the air switch on again!
Hey Ryan, Thank You for ALL you do!! Do you still have a link to order the electrolyte mix? Which company was it? Thnak you!
Why is this weather so drastic and weird lately?!
wanted a live broadcast from you when there were naders in my area yesterday 🙁
Ok Ryan, what the heck was a tornado doing in Abilene Texas last night?!!! You said that the bad storms were supposed to be North of us!
E4 tornado last night. Where was the live coverage dude?!
when will these outbreaks stop bro-
Supposed to snow tomorrow Thurs in SLC
Here I am, looking for a LIVE video As we get nailed in NE Kansas right now ….and where ya at? SLEEPING….How Rude 😂
"y'all peoples will never fully know if it was a man-mad or by the hands of mother nature herself, after decades of prolong military's experiments establishment begin seen 1960s, we now have a capability to control, altered & create a weather when and where we want it, is it for good or bad intention is just another unmark trails just like the old story of nuclear power." –
I understand the zoomer edit, but I hate it. I'm too 35 for it, I suppose. Like what y'all do, though! Keep up the good work, and maybe slow down on the editing here and there if you feel inclined.
Very nice
This weather needs to chill out … I mean heat up … I mean RELAX.
Yeah az still hot no snow
Anyways sounds like bull
Bruh where I live it’s supposed to be warm but it literally snowed
In the meantime let's talk about the softball size hail this coming in
I hope this cool spring doesn't translate into a hot autumn. I'd be perfectly happy to fast forward to late October. Not looking forward to hot weather at all