The world’s most famous Rooftopper, Wu Yongning, fell 62 stories to his death after he failed a stunt atop a Skyscraper in China. See an animated breakdown of how the events unfolded.
Giant Wyrm by Kevin MacLeod
Song Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3807-giant-wyrm
Song License: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/standard-license
#rooftopping #rooftopperwu #inhuman
I laughed my ass off when he fell. He needs to made an example of so other morons don’t try this.
Fn idiot.what did he think would happen?natural selection
Lmao all for a chance at $15K. Moron.
Whenever I have a bad day I will watch this guy's clip. glad I wasn't this guy
Rooftopping is fxxkixg stupid. So don't do it isn't it.
Best coverage I’ve seen of this. Thanks.
No pity. Stuppid iddiot.
Money kills you finally
Those 3 pull ups cost him his life
… and the Darwin Award goes to….this guy
All for money and fame.
It was at that moment he knew he fucked up😅
I thought that the fear of death could make anyone push through pain but i was wrong
Very sad stores 😢
See this is why humans should always stay on the ground
Is he crazy for doing that
Alas its a shame.
Tbh this doesn't deserve a Darwin Award.
Live for the views, death for the views.
Well, that's one less we have to deal with
What a dumb ass
i would have broken the glass and entered
I wonder what is the last thought of his mind when he knows he couldn't pull himself up and the only way for him is fall down.
What a fool
Sorry but I don’t think I can finish this video
he died doing what he loved…..
banging his head against concrete.
You live by the sword you die by the sword
This makes my hands sweat.
I seen one of his tricks
Let's all give a big round of applause to the captain that hit a iceberg on the freaking Titanic 👏👏👏👏