Epic Fails Of The Week! Submit videos / memes: https://www.reddit.com/r/papastanimus Hang out with the fam: …
Epic Fails Of The Week! Submit videos / memes: https://www.reddit.com/r/papastanimus Hang out with the fam: …
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I drank 100 different beers in 4 hours! https://youtu.be/TWX_IeCA63Y
"you're demised"
The pool guy never won that’s a black stripe eight
It was 22
The last one omg lol that poor cat haha
That fart sounded like that velociraptor in Jurassic park during the kitchen scene 😂
Last one got me😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
El gatoo !!
The one were he rips the carpet is pure autistic rage
The last cat got yeeted
Finger over straw gets them everytime
The fact through the pipe was hilarious, really adjusted the pitch of it!
This is literally just add in a nutshell 💀💀💀
I've seen this ENTIRE compilation.
the black ball is supposed to be put in last and he put it in before finshing his balls so bascially he lost thats why he got triggered and ripped the carpet
Yo the last one got me laughing for an hour
bro the last one what the actual fuck
"This is some ADD ass video right here"
As someone with an ADHD brother, that was spot on 💀
What the fuck was the last one 😂
the cat is funny
I love that waiter. Like ok you cant see what I'm doing rn? Ok, fuck that shit, how can I help YOU asshole?
Take a deep breath in through the nose when she farts
I’m dying right now
That was no fart. That was indeed a queef
Bro the last one had me laughing for 10 minutes 😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fart scene in Walmart
the last one though
I like that cat one xD that's definitely how a mouse feels when it gets caught
The fart clip sent me💀
The endin 💀💀the kittien was like EGHEGGEGEHHH
The mannequin had me crying
It is just me or did that pan sounded like mario jumping
22 memes. Give or take a few.