Most Horrific Monster Tsunami Caught On Camera | 200 Thirty Thousand people died on the spot
In this video, we’ have discused about some most horrific natural disasters that occur around the world. that devastating tsunami which destroyed the houses,trees, roods, businesses and pepole life to powerful storms and hurricanes that caused widespread damage, these events had a profound impact on our lives and the environment.
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#flood #rain #tornado #cyclone #tsunami
Nu trebuia ,sa va amestecați ,in război pentru Ucraina!
ГЛАЗА ОТКРЫЛИ ПОКА НЕ позно. Киргиз минонер тирористом ГЛАЗА ОТКРЫЛИ ПОКА НЕ позно.
Welt gibt 😈 😈 😈 böse Dämonen unsere welt schadet Gott will welt reinigen von Dämonen heißt das 😊😅❤
Это плата за поставку оружия для Украины и ложь
God command beacuse of lots of money 😊
I praise You Oh Lord Jesus Christ. To all people out there, our life here on earth is only temporary because of sins, we must die. We inherited the sins of Adam and Eve and our own sins, which makes us so guilty of being sinners. I tell you the truth there is a life after death. There are huge reunions for every family because all the dead will be resurrected by Jesus Christ, a body without defect, without deficiency, and without the disease. Each body will be strengthened for eternal life or an immortal body. 😭Please believe the promises of Jesus, He loves us so much. Accept Jesus Christ with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, and spirit. Jesus alone is the answer to our salvation, no one else. That is the last hope to obey the will of the Supreme God. Accept Jesus as our savior, because of the obedience of Jesus the Son of God, and His pure love for us. His redemption of mankind was fulfilled in the will of His God the Almighty Father, the creator of all. Fear God of His wrath. We need to have fear in God, we will keep His commandments. Shout to the whole world that we need to fear God because if people don't have a fear of God, the whole world will be shaken even more. God the Father was hurt by sacrificing His only Son to give us another chance to be forgiven by Jesus Christ. Abraham was already made to feel that God was really hurt to sacrifice His only begotten Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of all mankind to keep people safe from harm when the time came when God would pour out His wrath on those who disobeyed Him. God's love for mankind is great. Before man was created, the needs of people to live were first made such as earth, sun, air, food, the creation of man, the organs work correctly, there are anti-bodies that protect our body because here in the world they were thrown away of God the rebellious angels led by lucifer there are good angels of God who protect every person there is more if people wholeheartedly accept Jesus as savior, as king, as mighty Father and as loving God there is something given by God through our Lord Jesus Christ, that is the holy Spirit who guides and protects every person. The Holy Spirit is different because when you mock the Holy Spirit it is an unforgivable sin that will punish you. Just like it was during the time of Lord Jesus Christ 2000+ years ago, the Roman priest mocked Jesus saying that the power of Jesus was from the devil, and the Roman priest lost his life. Fear God, the final judgment is near. Obey God's will. Follow God's commandments. For us all to know that hell is not made for people, it is people's choice that they will perish. People chose to be deceived by satan. God is always knocking on our hearts. God loves us so much. He does not want us to perish. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” That's the great love of the most-high God for us.
That's alot of souls…my heart goes out to those who lost there lives and there families…
Our government is controlling all these earthquake's, flood's and fires. They have been experimenting with this for years, open your eyes people!!!! They are just thinning the heard as they put it, over populated…..
Semoga Yang maha kuasa melindungi hamba-nya. Semoga banjir cepat surut. Ini video kami file untuk pelajaran bagi kami yang tinggal dekat 4 gunung dan dekat 3 Danau dan dekat 2 sungai besar diDesa Desa'polosok diBali Indonesia
Almighty God forgive us we had destroyed the beautiful world you had created for us and we are facing the abstruktion now Amen .
Why do you say rare weather the lord is moving and I pray for all of you all
Thank you for making these video's.