Social media was flooded with photos and videos of the storm, which lasted for around 30 minutes. In some areas, hailstones the size of golf balls were reported, causing damage to cars and buildings.
The Saudi Civil Defense promptly deployed its teams to clear the streets and help those affected by the storm. No injuries have been reported so far.
Hailstorms are a rare occurrence in Saudi Arabia, which is known for its hot and dry climate. However, climate experts have warned that extreme weather events like this hailstorm are becoming more frequent due to climate change.
The Saudi Arabian Meteorological Authority has issued a warning to residents in the northern parts of the country to expect more thunderstorms and hail in the coming days. Residents are advised to take necessary precautions and stay indoors during such weather events.
The hailstorm has caused widespread disruption in Tabuk, with schools and businesses forced to close due to the icy conditions. Many residents have taken to social media to share their experiences and express their amazement at the unusual weather.
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Fragt chamtrails und harpanlagen Betreiber
Jesus is coming. Turn to him and save yourselves. Jesus is Lord and Savior
Такого ещё не было бедные люди как им пережить эту непогоду молимся за вас,!
Tudo isso e muito mais é sinal que JESUS CRISTO ESTÁ VOLTANDO.
Could this be a result of cloud seeding?
As for me and my house we will serve the LORD✝️🙏🏻
it's not climate change it's God
THE'RE getting badly needed water!
That's the most stupid voice I have ever heard , can't listen
Díos tenga.misericordia de.todos.el.mundo entero
Orando e entregando o sofrimento e Arrependimento de todos .
Что за заглавие весь мир молится никто не молится
Eskiden taş yağmış, günümüzde gökyüzünün teknolojiside gelişmiş buz atıyor yukarıdan,😅
Orada zaten fakir ve göçmen mahallelerin evleri tenekeden.kolay uçar.zenginlere birsey olmaz her zamanki gibi…
This serves as a reminder
Bu ALLAH tarafindan, kullarini çok dehşetli bi uyarisidir
Nope. They are seeding the clouds there.. . Nothing to do with the end of the world.
Quê Jesus volte logo…mundo incredulo.que ainda duvida de um Deus que tudo criou ….tem misericórdia de nos Senhor
Romans 1. All men and women needs repentance. Our sins is so huge against God.
Looks like there'll be some exp hail damaged cars after that. Lot of cloud seeding going on over there? Wouldn't have thought thats norm weather!
Всё что происходит сейчас с климатом ,о причинах и тенденциях нарастания катаклизмов , было озвучено учёными из разных стран мира на форуме " Глобальный кризис ,"Выход есть"!! Без объединения нам не выжить!!
The wrath of GOD is coming to idolaters and wicked people! Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
In Shah Allah!❤👐🙌❤
Некуда саудитам деньги девать… То насыпной остров-пальму создали, его смыло. То теперь дом в километры – вот по такому дому и такая стихия… Кого бог любит – того и наказывает… Может от любви всех к себе забрать…
Psalms 148:8
Fire and HAIL, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word!
REPENT, Seek the Lord Jesus Christ for remission of sins and
believe in the Gospel of Christ, be born again and be saved.
This is the Gospel of Christ:-1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10
:8-10 & Acts 2:38 Believe in the Kingdom to Come. 🕊🙏❤
The Day after tomorrow is here 🙏🏼🕊🕊🕊
Stop killing innocent people when they come to serve you. The Most High Yah ain’t playing.
يااخي يعلم الله ان اخوني الصغار نامو امس وهم يبكون يشتو اكل ونحن لانجد حتى لقمة.عيش نعطيهم ياكلوها يامن لديكم اولاد وتحسو كم حبكم لاولادكم وتعطوهم كل ما يحتاجونه من اكل وملابس اعتبرونا مثل اولادكم ارحمو من في الارض يرحمكم من في السما وادخلو علينا الفرحه بحق مصاريف اكل وشرب امسحو دموعنا وفوق هذا كله صاحب البيت مر علينا الصباح وماسلمنا منه ان يضربنا وحلف يمين قاطع ان جا بالليل اوبكره ولم ندفع اجار ه بالكامل ان يطردنا من البيت ونحن بنات واطفال وتعلمون الدنيا خوف ان تنقذونا الان وفي هذي اللحظه⁰⁰⁹⁶⁷⁷⁷⁴⁹²⁶¹⁸⁸)،ددددددد. …..