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About the Author: JRE Clips


  1. The whole "I will kill you cause I do JJ" is a little bit bogus. Even if you drop someone with a punch or a kick, what is stopping you from going up and choking them if you wanted to? Cutting oxygen to their brain and killing them easily? Really they are just arguing that after knocking you out, they would continue to "assault" your unconscious body until you died… Im not sure thats an argument i would want to make, especially not over a random street fight – Some people need to grow up

  2. I have a bb in judo. Did the jitsu stuff. All of it is no joke. Im good nowadays for a fight. Been there done that. Now Im old. I got guns to handle all that. Just when you think you bad. Trust me. Theres someone else thats worse.. Be careful out there nuggetheads..

  3. "If the ref wasn't there that guy would kill him."

    That's the difference from MMA (combat sports) and self defense (fake martial arts), one can kill while the other is pure fantasy.

  4. Mma beggins in the early 90's in Brasil, and Wanderley is on it since its started. Got tô respect the man, in the pride era bro, he was A BEAST.

  5. Even if i knew how to fight i wouldnt because some dude with a shitty childhood would break my arm

  6. geat vids, but in a real "street" altercation, there is no time for rolling around especially if there are multiple attackers. UFC/MMA is not the same as street fighting. Shame for misleading the public. Boxing and wrestling all the way….. BJJ i would advise to learn basics, but it can build horrible habits too.

  7. I don't like the idea of hurting people I would probably feel bad and leave flowers for the guy… I don't think I would fight unless I was about to die I have a lot of built up rage and aggression chaining me down though so who knows..

  8. Guys if you get into a street fight try to avoid fighting on concrete i have seen guys who got knocked out or thrown and died because their head got smacked on the concrete you could die or get life in prison just because of a stupid street fight

  9. I know Joe Rogan is very famous but I have not been able to find a fight between him or anyone else in the ring please help me

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