road rage fights 2022, when bikers fight back, bikers fight back, street fights september 2022, road rage gone wrong 2022 usa, public fights, public freakout, fights on the street, extreme street fights
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These videos are solely used for education purposes on road safety and how better conduct yourself on the road.
This video is only for educational purposes and was done to document the traffic risk factors! We do not encourage the actions contained in this episode !!! Ride Safe!
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#roadrage, #bikersarenice, #motomoments
What I see are a bikers who are vulgar, immature, and not themselves paying attention to the road ahead.
These bikers are children
I feel like half these biker groups that are in these videos need to literally get a job
Pompous ass Riders are always the ones that get killed
Ninety-nine percent of these bikers actually need to be more aware of their surroundings than everyone else because they're the smallest object on the road. So they need to calm the f*** down more than anyone else.