The near death experience of Penny Wittbrodt

The near death experience of Penny Wittbrodt
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Penny Wittbrodt explains how her near-death experience happened, and how it has changed her vision of life and death. Her YouTube channel:

Anthony Chene | Filmmaker – Photographer

With many thanks to Jan-Willem van Aalst for the Dutch subtitles

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About the Author: Anthony Chene production


  1. Thank you for all for all your comments! Creating these videos has been my deepest passion and most meaningful contribution to the world. You can learn more about how and why I do these videos by visiting my website:
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    See you soon with new videos!

  2. I’ve heard her story before. Never, ever gets old ♥️ actually searched her name to find her telling it elsewhere. Hers hits me more than others.. idk what it is. I just love her.

  3. Hi I have a question for Penny, is she familiar with death doulas? It seems like she would be really good in this role. Blessings, Julie

  4. Listening to you hit my heart!!! I'm SO SORRY your family abandoned you. You made me re-think my sadness. I will try harder. Bless you and your infinite wisdom. Love to you young man!! ✝️💜☮️

  5. These NDE's have such an emotional impact on my life and on my thinking. More so than even the best books I have ever read. 
    They are helping to diminish the fear of death that most people have carried throughout their life.
    At the same time they are inspiring and heartwarming as to how much Love God (Source) has for everyone of us.

    Since watching these videos I have embraced what I now call "My True Purpose of Life." 
    And that purpose is "To show as much Love, Compassion, and Kindness to as many people as I possibly can – before my body dies."

    Although many things can diminish as we age, the beauty of these qualities is that we can show them all the way up to the end of our life.
    I love you Penny for the courage and the love that it took you to start sharing this amazing experience.
    You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. – Wayne

  6. Thank God for giving you the after death experience so you could share with the world so the trickle effect with make this place a better place to live. Thank you so much!!!!!!!

  7. THANK YOU for your courage in sharing such a personal thing with us. What a beautiful and meaningful experience. Those who dispute it or criticize (persecute you) are trapped in the darkness. Keep on living your light! Love it💕

  8. the big question for me, as a man who accepts these NDE’s are absolutely real, is where do we go after the light in the tunnel, seeing passed relatives and loved ones, where do we proceed to then. Of course no one knows, do they ?

  9. Your story is so beautiful ❤️🙏 thank you for sharing. Don't doubt that you are doing a mayor work by sharing!!! People need to listen to these experiences. Best wishes ❤

  10. The part where she talked about how you build your own prison really struck me. I have done that over the years. I have pushed everyone away and isolate myself. I am tired of life. I think the message I should get from this is that I need to break out and find that joy again.

  11. Thank you for sharing your experience and delivering the message 🙏🤍 Message: 58:11 “Such folly to think that anything escapes my knowing.

    As when you were with me, all at once, all that I allowed you to know, you knew.

    No words were spoken, nor were they shouted.

    I whispered them into your spirit.

    I discreetly filled you with knowing.

    Knowing flowed into you as easily as taking a breath.

    Is it not so?

    No truer words have ever been spoken or written.

    The Great I Am is in your core.

    The Great I Am is the Light;

    Even when I am hidden, still I Am.

    As my energy charge sending me over each synapse in the brain, even those small fibers knew that I Am.

    They rose and they fell to the rhythm I created, to the symphony I conducted, I composed.

    I consider it a tragic comedy of arrogance when man denies what the smallest innervation knows.

    Man thinks he acts and moves outside my knowledge.

    How could it be so?

    I say, I proclaim, he does not.

    His own fibers clutch themselves, laughing at the idea.

    I am the flower, the wind, the rain, the sinew, the marrow, the rock, the author, the maker; the touch that set in motion all that you see, all that you know, and all that you do not see or know.

    I knit you.

    I put breath in you.

    I am coated in every cell.

    Every nanosecond falls into step as I will it so.

    I am in you.

    I Am All.

    Even when you perceive nothing, still I am there.

    As I tell you this here and now, pressing my truth into your breast, your very heart presses it further in.”

  12. I lost my daughter and I found myself loosing myself and an empty shell. Broken is a small word for me to describe how broken. I climb myself through the whole one pebble at a time. I am still a mother who misses her daughter with all my heart but I know she is home and I will see her again. I am the light and just giving a smile, opening a door can be so much. You almost speak of my inner words and I do live as much as you speak as much as I can and fail sometimes but I feel even better then they do just with a smile. I work to better my inner self everyday and it is hard but I am more whole today but missing a piece of my heart until we see each other again

  13. What an incredible experience. Thank you so much Penny. I was 'with you' every step as you described your experience, imagining, seeing and feeling what you felt. Thank you for sharing your story. I was totally gripped from start to finish. Our language is not enough to express the impact it has had on me. The small act of kindness, just 70 cents and how that rippled and spread. I adopted two children, and I'm thinking, hey check me, that's my passport through the pearly gates 😅. But not so, its the small connections that make the biggest difference to someone else. ❤

  14. I recently excepted the fact that I had a near death experience. Thank you for sharing your experience. I believe we have to share. It is changing my life and I feel for everyone now. I want to share with anyone who is willing to listen.

  15. I absolutely loved this testimony!! I loved the ripple effects you talked about..I’m so happy you decided to share your experience..I hope and pray this helps people to connect with God again!! Loved your honesty and got emotional when you did. Wow thank you beautiful lady for sharing..this will give others so much hope!! I’ve saved this to share with others. 🙏🏼❤️🌈🦋⭐️💜🌹 thank you Penny ❤️

  16. I have always believed In Jesus Christ and Heaven. My Mom died right before 9/11. I knew she went to heaven. When I got the call, my cousin who died a few months before Mom, He spoke to me and told me not to worry, He would be there for Mom. My Dad died in October. He had a haulty mouth and I really hope he repented his sins before death. No one spoke to me telling me if he made it to heaven. Something inside tells me he made it.
    These testimonies only strengthen my beliefs.

  17. This shared experience has been so enlightening and you have awoke in me some of the purpose one behind my pain and struggles through out life. I will listen to this more than once as a reminder to know God is always here. And always with us.

  18. Wow
    I am truly impressed and amazed by watching your videos about near death experiences…. I truly believe in them, do not deny Gods existence He is real and He is present in everything you say and think .. just try to remember that kindness changes everything… so be kind ❤️

  19. I so resonate with all you’ve said and believe all you’ve gone through. My only question is; where is the cross and Jesus in this? I’m 75 and was radically changed from the inside out over 50 years ago. Not form a death experience (although I truly believe my faith would be a lot stronger today had I experienced such a thing) but surrendering my body, soul, spirit and mind to him.
    So much of what you say is 100% relevant and life-changing but I believe that a person cannot easily be transformed on their own. It needs a Revelation and I would call that revelation a revelation of God through the Holy Spirit.

  20. This has become my daily devotional. God did not stop sending us prophets 2,000 years ago thank Heavens. So many are looking for someone else to bring them happiness rather than creating happiness. As Penny said "be the light on the hill". Be proactive in your happiness on purpose. Give back to life with a pure heart of grace and love. Care for our kingdom in which we live by picking up trash without grudging the ones who left it. Everyday find something to give back to life without need for praise. A smile for someone, a compliment, a courteous jester, a nobel act of kindness especially when driving. Notice and choose your thoughts wisely and with grace. Forgive. 🙏 God is within us all, we simply open to this awareness to know and feel His love. Keep it as steady as your breath and heartbeat. Be a living prayer of gratitude always. Your soul will open and your light will shine. THANK YOU PENNY❤

  21. Im so glad you made the decision to speak about it. Im sure you have helped so many others to open up and share the light. We need people like you in this dark world. I hope but doubt people will wake up and realise before its to late for us.

  22. So many great reminders that reinforce the type of spirituality i have been leaning into more and more. I have been ill for two years now with cardiac issues and thought I have been attempting to stay positive and accepting, I have been finding the last few months difficult and feeling overwhelmed by all that is happening in the world. I have been slipping into discouragement, fear and cynicism. This is helping me to get back on track, to trust, and believe in goodness and love. Thanks again. I will watch again and take notes!

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