Heroes caught on camera saving child who wandered onto train tracks l GMA

Heroes caught on camera saving child who wandered onto train tracks l GMA
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Metro-North Railroad employees helped rescue a 3-year-old boy who wandered onto train tracks in Tarrytown, New York, earlier this month.

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  1. No one mentioned something. What was a child that age doing alone and able to get away from his mother . Unsupervised at that age ?

  2. Two to three years old is that age when children tend to wander off and get lost. Most of the time, when you hear news stories about polife looking for a lost child, they seem to be around that age.

    Dont be too quick to condemn this poor lady. Most Moms have been in a similar situation. Mine was three when she had somehow figured out how to unlock the front door and wandered outside, while I was in the bathroom. It was less than a few minutes of my leaving her watching Elmo so I could pee, and she was GONE.

    Thank God our dog at the time was used to playing "hide and seek" with my daughter, and was smart enough to know the child did not belong outside on her own.

    My instinct was to run up and down the street, but I told the dog to "Go find her!" and the dog put her nose to the ground. A minute later, the dog led me to the little girl, who was across the field out back, picking daisies at the edge of a neighbor's new COY POND– standing on the slippery unsecured decorative stones. She could have fallen in at any moment, except that our dog found her right away.

    That dog ate like a queen that night, and for some nights thereafter, and got SO MANY hugs from us all.

  3. I thought trains couldn’t stop. I mean godbless they did, obviously of course, but I always thought that was a thing idk maybe I’m trippin. Thank you for saving him. 🩷👏

  4. So did she call 911? How does he just tumble over a wall….took an hour for her to get to him? None of this makes sense…

  5. okay— the child should be in FOSTER CARE RIGHT NOW ! His mother has little to no mental capacity to care for him. He fell and rolled on the train tracks ?

  6. The best outcome but was mum distracted by her phone or something? Railways aren't playgrounds. Anyhow, these guys are super heroes. Very well done.

  7. Lucky for them train engineers policy is to wait for impact before braking. They're garbage people behind the operator controls. This one had a hart.

  8. My nephew, who is autistic used to run off so often he earned a nickname from the police, The Roanoke Runner. (My sister lives on Roanoke St)

  9. the mother NEEDS to teach/enforce the child to NOT walk away!! ive seen SO MANY kids alone in stores with NO adult !! when my toddler started to walk and we went on walks etc, i put a little harness on him with a connecting strap; you can hook them to your belt if you want to. it prevents the kid from going onto the road. when i went shopping he sat in the cart OR if he wanted to walk along in the store, he HAD to keep ONE HAND ON the cart, NO exceptions. if he took his hand OFF the cart, he then lost the privilege of being out of the cart. im thinking this kid has been allowed to wander off on a regular basis.

  10. All the people criticizing the mom for "failing" her child obviously know nothing about children. Unless you glue your child to your forehead, you can't 100% guarantee that they won't sometimes slip away from you.

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