Bride Flies Into Wedding Ceremony | People Are Awesome #shorts People are Awesome — May 8, 2023 5 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist How many helium balloons does it take to fly? source action sports amazing people extreme sports jukin media people are amazing people are awesome Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
This is literally the stupidest and most extravagant thing I’ve ever seen. I hate society. Ppl think fairytale lives actually exist…
This is literally the stupidest and most extravagant thing I’ve ever seen. I hate society. Ppl think fairytale lives actually exist…
The ridiculous princess culture we've created around weddings is obscene.
This is a little over the top doncha think…both literally and figuratively!
Random gun enters the chat
Hmmm. I respect the engineering of this but no other choice.