Check out the most-viewed moments of 2022, in this compilation from Billy the Exterminator!
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In “Billy the Exterminator,” Billy Bretherton’s pest control firm tackles all types of animal removal, from teeny insects to giant snakes, with help from Billy’s supportive and colorful family.
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The big snake is always the problem
Im not an expert, but wouldn't it be easier to see venomous, camaflauged, animals in a dark area without SUNGLASSES?!?
I love watching the shows they're really interesting keep them coming
What is good to get rid of aints in the yards
Just burn it down 36:25
Are they even real exterminators?
Yo really bro. You both will never get an Oscar for acting and your camera work is a cheap way to make effects. Wear some Crocks and a sports bra bro…. you both looked silly not pro's……..
My buddy had one that size with three others just a bit smaller. He was in the cage one day feeding them. The big one somehow got ahold of his head….yeah and his head is big too. They had to almost drown the snake with a water hose to get it to release.
Dude this snakes not gonna bite if it’s been around the owner so long reticulated don’t bite just grab it put it in and then just fix the cage simple
Are these re-enactments of their real life tales?!😂
Idk how he walked with those massive balls of steel he has
those are African Porcupines, not the typical common porcupines! I've pulled tons of quills from dogs while working at vet clinic here in Canada, and NONE were as big as what these had. On the norm, common porcupines are NOT that aggressive but I know the African ones are. They've either escaped from a zoo, or someone has turned them loose when they stopped being so cute!
She was watering the dogs?
Fakest show I've seen, exterminatord should know what they are doing and yet called a vivarium a equirium, he described the snake as 20 feet when it looked about 8 and he was worried about the snake constricting his leg decpite it taking hours for a limb to die and a snakes tail is the weakest part(I stopped watching after that)
When dealing with snakes you should wear chaps and gloves maybe get a bag with pole attached to it
stepphanie is fuckimg crazy with the snake
this would literally send me into a heart attack, snakes terrify me so bad
Thing about the reticulated python when it wrapped around the leg. That wasn't an attacking move. It wasn't trying to harm. Pythons like to feel grounded. They like to feel secure. This poor snake just got grabbed and hoisted in a way that made it uncomfortable. It was suspended in the air and didn't have that comfort. Now, I am not saying that anything the boys did was wrong. But I think they don't know how to read a snake. That snake was just as scared of them. That's all. I'm glad though, that their primary concern was the safety of the animal. And yes. I do own snakes. My snake grabs with his tail for stability when he's not balled up. Its comfort, not aggression. Also, don't put a snake in the enclosure tail first. Guide the head in. They will move into the space. You risk hurting them tail first, especially the big ones.
You need a long handle net man to catch the fast smaller rodents, roosters, squirrels, snakes
Dude that gator scene was a clusterfuk and a half lmao
The ladies with the massive hive: you can see the comb coming from the corners and see the honey leaking everywhere!
Said you old you water door open
The bee lady is a hot piece of A!!! They should have made a show about how tight that little dress was. Lol.
AYO they used the Hardy Boyz theme song
55:07 Literally me with anything 😂😂😂
I didnt know the Air Force had a Critter removal career field. I did know they used a Falconer at RAF installations.
You could have had that gator way more faster just watch swamp monsters where they dedicate themselves on hunting gators.
Get a freakin gun!
Considering the porcupines in question are African Crested Porcupines, this guy was lucky not to get quills in any part of the body that housed an artery! These particular porcs are known to actually go toe to toe with lions!
The ladies in the plane one was in no hurry so it fail to grab the attention it wanted lol
My Nany had a squirrel problem needs to run to the walls and wrap in the attic that was have finished. It was a freaking night mare to get rid of
This show was my childhood!!
1:19:46 Thought Matt & Jeff Hardy we’re gonna show up for a ladder match with Billy the gator and the gator girls for a few seconds there.