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#FailArmy #Fails
that hit him clean and hard in the scroto sexuals 2:33
I will never understand people destroying their food when they trip. It's still in the bag/ wrapper. Dude didn't even drop the drinks. Nope, gonna trash it all in a tantrum……
me "dad why did god create so many stupid people?"
dad "cause without them.. we would all die of boredom, son."
Woman with the horse has an amazing body!
3:08 that was a fail and win lol
I learned long ago that if you're doing anything in or around open water, if something isn't tethered to you or a solid object, be prepared to never see that thing again.
Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ died on a cross for you because He loves you so much. He then rose up from the dead three days later
The Ten Commandments are called the moral law, (most of us are lying thieving blasphemous adulterer at heart and deserve hell) you and I broke the law, Jesus paid the fine. That’s what happened on that cross.
By believing that Jesus died on the cross and rose up from the dead 3 days later and not just confessing your sin, but also repenting of all sin you have done and putting all your trust in Him in prayer, He will grant you everlasting life as a free gift
Humans should really be wiped from the surface of the earth… Theyare TOO stupid! :/
I love this video , nothing better than watching idiots in pain 😅😅😅😅
I feel relaxed knowing that there still are lots and lots of worse, worse brains than mine.
WTF was with the gal who tried to climb the door/mirror? SMH…. All in all another seriously funny collection of morons on parade!
Why is only white people doing this shit
Water: "I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still… that I become invisible to the eye.."
Cat: "Oh look, a see through floor to walk on….oooofff"
5:11 This woman is still running inland away from the boats.
4:28 Remember, your head is more important than your phone, fellas. Yikes..
3:04 if you can't ride, don't speed. It's that simple.
2:24 she is still rolling to this day…
4:24 hahahahahaha
6:30 join the club bro. MGTOW
As for the guy on the motorcycle if you drive like an idiot or I should say ride like an idiot that’s what you get you think it’s cute when you accelerate really hard and instant Karma hits you you got what you deserved for being stupid
It's no surprise that humans aren't exactly the most intelligent species.
Mankind is doomed to extinction!
Don't know if I saw that correctly but did that biker actually come out of that alive?????
1:35 is me as soon as it happens
I feel his pain. 1:34
So many people are idiots. Poor humanity
The guy at 1:40…. no sel control at all….may be some anger management?
10:40 – surely got to be super drunk for that
😂😂😂😂😂dumb as a bucket of rocks!!
The horse at 0:46: are you serious?
O vídeo começa com uma manobra chamada "Rasgovo" kkkkkkkkkkk
2:12 Just a wild guess…….Erm America?
3:04 Another organ donor helping save others. Nice guy.
0:41 It' s just brilliant! I almost chocked on my tea.