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Thanks for watching everyone. You can watch the full episode with Prime Hall Part 2 here https://youtu.be/BaI9vnojw3w Additionally if you want to support the Shawn Ryan Show you can join the community. https://www.patreon.com/VigilanceElite
Sad.. but now the world is weeping in other coyntry.. get over it n …
Love it. Thanks for sharing.
That's awesome!
Meanwhile, this homeless, divorced Vet cannot even rent a shithole Stockton apartment with my 1 dog…
Leave the people there but not the dogs we like dogs
A guy I know had some billionaire from Texas pay for him to go to a special treatment facility for his PTSD after he got out of the marines and they gave him a service dog it’s a big ass pit bull and they trained it to detect when his blood pressure and anxiety levels go up somehow and it comes and lays on him to kind of hold him down and take his mind out of whatever is causing it at the moment dogs are such an amazing companion to have
A dog can be the saving grace for a man with nothing else.
Thanks Brother! Your no doubt a Hero Sir! Thank You Sir.
Man‘s Best most loyal friend ever.
So we used to kill innocent people during the day and at night I would cuddle up next to this puppy right…
Damn I knew I was going to miss something good. This is so awesome to hear🎉❤
That’s you’re dog and you call your dog an ‘it’?
why do these guys all kind of talk the same?
Got my first dog 2 years after I came back……I’ve rescued and loved 12 more dogs since and I keep everyone of their dog tags on my car keys so they always ride with me. That will be in my coffin with me.
This is awesome that's such a cute puppy , I bet that helped him him so much
Not all angels have wings
The people watching him save a dog like 🗿
Every woman needs a dog.
My brothers old neighbor used to volunteer for them. Awesome little organization.
We don't deserve dogs they are for better beings
This generation of American soldiers are soft whiny little babies. Baby want a binky?
❤Semper Fidelis 🌪💞
And those Muslims HATE dogs
I'm glad organizations like this. I've always wanted to link dogs in need with vets in need
They gave it to me? It?
Looks like the dog I rescued that we named Nolay. Someone took her.. our bitch ass leaders made us cough it up.
and to think there are people out there that take joy in abusing little puppies like that. What a world.
Anyone notice the way this guy sounds like the trans seal dude the way he talks and slows his vowels. They sound like the same person talking. Even the Shawn has a bit of that same
Sound. So odd!
That's what's up💯
ugh, this one hits the feels. glad there was an org to help out on this.