Imagine you’re on your way somewhere when suddenly you see an animal that needs your help. Could you just walk right by? If not, then this video is for you. Today we’re going to show you the most incredible examples of when Animals Asked People For Help and people answered the call! This is definitely going to restore your faith in humanity…
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One time I saved my dog from a glue trap. It got stuck on her face and nose. She tried to take it off with her paw but it just got stuck. I heard her shuffling around with it found her stuck on it and I used dawn soap to get the glue trap off. This is one of the reasons why I’m against them they are so inhuman .
2:08 normally you don’t want to interrupt the course of nature, but sometimes killer whales kill just to kill they probably would’ve gangbanged that penguin and left his dead body to rot in the Sea poor penguin!
And this is backed up by the fact that a group of killer whales were all chasing one penguin, one penguin isn’t going to feed them all. They wouldn’t waste their time on something that small unless they just wanted to kill it, or there was enough penguins for all of them.
6:12 Amazing thing is Eagles can swim
This is so adorable I will be a sub❤
Everyone of these stories are unbelievable and thank you to all the heroes that saved them!!
Wow so many great stories! You guys really searched & found good ones!
The dog that was saved from the SUV on fire was so badass!! Tears fell……
Wow we humans are such Hippocrates save one animal and in celebration of saving, eat an animal!!
I loved seeing the interaction between people helping all the animals. This put a smile on my face.
0:40 All of them were so touching. Thank you for sharing
God bless❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
-40 Celsius is -40 Fahrenheit, not -104
30:05 and 31:12 I'm proud of all of em they are Kurd and I'm a Kurd sadly there ain't that many people who have a good heart like em
Beautiful stories
Thank you to everyone who helped these animals. God Bless You All!❤️🙏
That was awesome. 😊😊😊
22:40 colombia
bless them who also pay attention to trapped,abandoned, hopeless animaĺs.
As my daughter says, this is so "wholesome!" 😊
I honestly never knew horses hooves can get like…that was so sad to me.. all the other instances were sad but those animals experienced short moments of torment that poor horse got the raw deal…
The 200 pigs trapped in a barn were only saved to endure a more horrific death in the near future. The rest of the rescues were heartwarming.
Yea most of them didn't come to us at all and I think that makes the title stupid, but gratitude counts I guess. Still nice to see people with a heart though
So beautiful to see so many beautiful animals saved. X
As Long good people excist, there will be hope and help for animals
By the way i like the Story tellers voice 😊
5;50 lmao
0:44 its my place…🥰🥰
i didn't skip the ads
plz stop commenting. it kinda ruins the experience 😉
There are some angel on earth 😊
Thank you for saving them all
That wasn't a dolphin. That was an orca, killer whale.
I love the baby shark!!!! Lol
have to hit mute. the production is trash.
The incredible maneuvers these police went through to save this dog is beyond compression
Thank you Jesus for sending Angels to save animals
I hate how animals are treated in circuses and some zoos, they're malnourished,kept in small cages for their whole lives, and in some zoos in eastern Europe,they have no enrichment, and they're sad in their concrete jails.There's a mother tiger and her cub kept in a small soace behind glass for onlookers to gawk at them
Good to help the animals ♥️🐾🐾
Good intentioned people will want to,but feeding the wolf isn't a good idea for the human and the wolf,the poor thing may be used to being fed by people,they should be able yo hone their hunting skills to hunt and kill food.
I'm noticing most of these situations were caused by humans
Those three kittens were definitely put there to be “rescued” and possibly a couple of others here. It’s unfortunately somewhat common in online videos 🙁
Prevent the whale from suffocating? Don’t they breathe air 😂
Ugh I love that good people like this exist 🥹❤️
Sad, it looked more like that driver "casually" filming while driving around and then by "accident" finding the abandoned dog….looks more like he himself abandoned him for Internet likes. The dog knew him and was not scared