The Crew Finally Find Gold After A Difficult Season! | Gold Rush: White Water

The Crew Finally Find Gold After A Difficult Season! | Gold Rush: White Water
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After a difficult season full of flooding and equipment issues, the crew is elated to find finally find a gold-rich layer of pay in the river.

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From Season 6 episode 13.

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  1. Feel sorry for anyone working underneath her power trip all the time nit picking at all and Paul °°!! Jumps on her side naaaah bang out of order I no who I would want saving me because its no way in this world she's pulling any one of those lads out of trouble ….I can now see why FRED LEFT 🙄 Fred was brilliant but her ugh 😑 sickness in the camp and it's her !🎉

  2. They need to change the name from Gold Rush to Goldless Whitewater. I'm sure they spent many hundreds of thousands of dollars to send these knuckleheads to Alaska and they haven't found a tenth of the gold they need to make a profit. I would say these guys are working for minimum wage but from the amount of gold they get it's not even close to that. It shows our colossal frustrating joke.

  3. If they would helicopter in a 60ft length of HDPE, 54 or even 63inch, they could set it at the top of the canyon and use it to bypass the whole river. Then keep winching downstream as the sluice out each pool, building small dams and bypassing all the water around them. Much like how the old timers bypassed the river thru the tunnel to mine the bottom of the waterfall the floundered with.

  4. I've never seen a whole group of guys work harder to get nowhere in my life. They don't improve or learn from mistakes, never thinking ahead or thinking outside the box. A constant struggle to make 5 bucks an hour.

  5. I don't think in all the White Water History….not more than 50oz has been collected overall….I haven't seen such a more boring discovery show ever. I've given it several tries and never commented so its due. Yeah it is a pipe dream.

  6. Grandi….🇮🇹🇮🇹e il mio sogno,poter cercare loro……con tutte le sue difficoltà….ma sono una persona determinata,e spero di RIUSCIRCI…..🇮🇹👍💗

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