Ridiculously Close Calls Caught on Camera

Ridiculously Close Calls Caught on Camera
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Ridiculously Close Calls Caught on Camera that you won’t believe. No one was hurt in the filming of these events.

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  1. Dude at 1:45 either got crazy lucky.. or he's actually a pretty good driver that knows how to handle a loss of control situation.. wig all those cars he stayed in that side lane and got t right no wall hits or other vehicles..

  2. That last one wasn’t a close call. Just an elephant super happy to see somebody visiting it. Harrumph!

  3. Yea I hate bicyclists that ride on main roads but the driver was going too fast (still on the gas when the biker was clearly headed for the road) and braked too late as well. If someone was behind them there would have been a pile up.

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