Ridiculously Close Calls Caught on Camera that you won’t believe. No one was hurt in the filming of these events.
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1:21 there was that womans baby carriage
Number 15 triggered me 😭 he caused it and fled
Dude at 1:45 either got crazy lucky.. or he's actually a pretty good driver that knows how to handle a loss of control situation.. wig all those cars he stayed in that side lane and got t right no wall hits or other vehicles..
I got many close calls in my life like these
0:02 the tree there is the problem
0:12 he tried to take over the truck in front of him
1:22 idk what happened to the driver while driving that car
1:39 bros really lucky not to get cut
1:46 what the bro
2:57 the sign fell down
3:03 I almost tripped at this moment
3:27 wth was that
"rODGER… are you okay???"
That last one wasn’t a close call. Just an elephant super happy to see somebody visiting it. Harrumph!
Who else experienced all of these……
In crossy roads 😂
Every time I go out somewhere there is always a number of car drivers just deliberately breaking laws or doing silly, stupid things.
That elephant must have been like "Holy shit! That was a close call. He wasn't even scared, He could have killed me!"
God bought these people time, I pray they use it to come to Jesus. Amen.
마지막 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
0:39 amazon prime feats on yo feet
25 and 16 only
It’s terrifying how close death is when you’re outside, that’s why I’m good being at home safe and sound.
3:50 … this one is a close call … for the elephant
Last one.
Elephant : " Mm'kay…Kudos man. "
Good thing that guy at 0:50 had a Jeep, that thing handled that off road a lot better than most cars would.
0:39 Bloody Roger!😖!
1:08 the least impressive one of them all she would of just fallen on the mat big deal. He just wanted to play grab ass.
The last guy just didn’t care if he died, 😂
The craziest part about #6 is just the fact that he fully sees the truck turning, but decided to gun it and now slow down? like huh?
1:00 i don't like cyclists but this one is the rear ok kind and this driver is what Clarkson wood call Mainac way way to fast and ye old top Gear for the win
3:15 thought hey thats pretty smart, nice job… then I went back and saw his ridiculous setup and realised the fool got himself into that situation
0:40 😁😂😂😂
A close call doesn’t matter like it used to…because everyone seems to have a cell phone. A far call is just as costly.
1:00 this is why I hate bikers
Yea I hate bicyclists that ride on main roads but the driver was going too fast (still on the gas when the biker was clearly headed for the road) and braked too late as well. If someone was behind them there would have been a pile up.
I wonder how Roger is doing these days.
Je n’ai pas aimé
Bises a tous,
The cycler who nearly gets smacked and never even looks at the car blew my mind
Most of the motorcycles were driving too fast, as usual.
Fuckin Roger 😆
The fact that #8 was a paramedic is crazy lol