Unbelievable footage | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry 05/08 , 8 May 2023

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Many roads were left covered in ice, making driving conditions treacherous and causing numerous accidents. Emergency services were called to attend to several people who had been injured in these incidents.

Berlin, Germany has recently been hit by a severe hailstorm, causing damage to cars, buildings, and trees. The storm, which lasted for several hours, brought with it hailstones the size of golf balls, leaving residents in shock.

Residents have reported damage to their cars, with many vehicles being pelted by the large hailstones, leaving dents and shattered windows. The storm also caused damage to buildings, with reports of broken windows and damaged roofs.

The local authorities have urged residents to stay indoors and to avoid traveling unless necessary. They have also advised people to take precautions when venturing outside, such as wearing protective clothing and avoiding standing under trees or other structures that may be at risk of collapse.

The hailstorm has caused significant disruption to daily life in the city, with many businesses and schools forced to close. The cleanup operation is now underway, with local authorities working to clear roads and assess the damage caused by the storm.

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About the Author: HAARP


  1. После просмотра что делается в мире с погодой , какие катаклизмы происходят на Земле хочется кричать людям SOS, караул, ситуация критическая. Но СМИ умалчивают или крутят информацию об антропогенном факторе. А это самая большая афера века. Посмотрите выступление настоящих ученых и все станет понятным. Эти ученые выступали на всемирном форуме Глобальный кризис. Выход есть. И главное не ждать разгула стихии, о объединяться и действовать. Есть платформа, миллионы людей уже подключились кинформировании о Созидательном обществе и то что выход есть. Присоединяйтесь.

  2. Psalms 147:17

    “He casteth forth His ice like morsels: who can stand before His cold?”

    Repent, through Jesus Christ for remission of sins, believe with all your

    heart in the Gospel of Salvation, be born again in Christ and be saved.

    This is the Gospel of Christ:- 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:8_10 and

    Acts 2:38 BELIEVE in/on Jesus and put all your faith & trust in the Lord.

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