Emergency NATURAL DISASTERS from22.04. – 28.04. 2023 сlimate changе! Flood

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Emergency NATURAL DISASTERS from22.04. – 28.04. 2023 сlimate changе! Flood
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable.
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cataclysms – you can send them to us by e-mail:
moshch-zemli@ukr.net – they will be included in the next issues! Thank!
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About the Author: Climate Сhange


  1. If you live on uae or Finland ur safe bc there tsunamis dont exict
    If you dont live on uae or Finland
    Bc there dont exict tsunamis and tornado (tornados exict but they are veryyyyyyyyyyyyy legendary)

  2. Funny that the nation's hit the hardest are the ones that are against israel! God said he will bless those who bless Israel or vise versa!

  3. Nun haben wir Wetterveränderungen seit Dezember letzten Jahres erlebt.
    Ob nun Dezember 2022 oder April 2023 verheerende Geschehnisse weltweit.
    Schlimm hat es wie die letzten Jahre zeigen mal wieder den Oman getroffen und in diesem Jahr auch Saudi Arabien .
    Kannada und Nordamerika haben die schlimmste Winterzeit erlebt und die älteren Bewohner haben so einen Winter noch nie erlebt.
    Aber auch der Frühlingsanfang hat noch kernige Temperaturen und die Stürme so heftig wie noch nie.
    Aus dem Winter erwacht in hunderten von Tornados bis hin zu hunderten Starkregen und Überflutungen.
    Es kann aber auch nicht besser werden noch nicht eher anders herum nämlich schlimmer.
    Wir haben eine Klimawende

  4. यूहन्ना 4:10 प्रेम इस में नहीं, कि हम ने परमेश्वर से प्रेम किया, पर इस में है कि उस ने हम से प्रेम किया और हमारे पापोंकी क्षमा के निमित्त अपके पुत्र को बलिदान होने के लिथे भेजा।

  5. What has the Northern Lights with climate change to do? That’s a totaly natural fenomen that always been here and hopefully always will be here….

  6. Thank you climate change for keeping us up to date on God’s end time signs, Repent and be born again in the name of Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.
    Luke 21:11 KJV

  7. I have commented 2 years and I still confirm that I solved the global warming problem.
    From what I have researched and analyzed The violence is increasing than it has been every year.
    UN approves me to solve global warming problem, I will fix the problem ASAP. There is enough information I have to prove to everyone that scientific approaches and solutions to global warming can be restored to normal…. … .

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